@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: Nope, the woman still needs feeding in order to bump and grind :(
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: Nope, the woman still needs feeding in order to bump and grind :(
^_^ WHEN IS THis OAut ON thE Cd???????//////
@Xaoc: Oh man, how could I forget milkshape!?
This is stupid. You can do this in a couple of seconds by importing a model into Lightwave / 3D Studio and clicking a button :/
@leeit2me: Who cares about using it. If I want to call someone we can now make faces on facetime, on wifi. Making calls is SO 2000.
No worries - we won't have to watch the ads as if we hold it like they demonstrate it won't load ^_^
@eyjafjallajökull: "This video contains content from Freemantle International, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."
@killest: I can appreciate you wanting people to learn more. But some people just don't want to. They just want to do something and have it work.
Is there anything like this for Englishmen? :(
Will the camera be an overly-elaborate head-hat-omgitsfixedtomyskullbutitsshin...! contraption?
@PaddyDugan: And don't forget that he did install a firewall and virus protection but they just didn't happen to do the job they said they would.
I much prefer the sultry silicone curves of the Baywatch Babes :/
@kake81: It's also a hell of a lot easier to get into the porn industry than Hollywood.
@kake81: Enough people pay for porn that it is still a larger industry than Hollywood :)
Also good as a hilarious practical joke on valentines day!
@my favorite car is a motorcycle: They look like a re-imagined Sinclar C5. They don't look elegant or impressive and remove the 'connetedness' to the outside world that is cherished by many.
Significantly uncool.
@skierpage: Are you kidding!? Cellphones have the most advanced battery management technologies and techniques available... The simple fact is, current battery technology sucks.
How embarassing. The BBC this morning on their (godawful) breakfast show dedicated about 15 minutes with their 'audio experts' who explained that there was no way it could be done without ruining the sound totally. I didn't believe them and it is good to see some people with actual knowledge telling us how to fix the…