
There are way to many people today. Perhaps we should relax safety standards.

I swapped it out for a Mustang. It did infact pull towards crowds

You sure it wasn’t a Mustang? Sounds like something a Mustang would do.

A/S/L? You cyber?

Remember when Model of Honor didn’t suck?

God I remember playing this like it was yesterday, but I remember it being a lot more realistic. *looks for rose tinted glasses*

Now playing

I would recommend this channel to spell out the Great War and how it evolved each week -

That’s a really neat and sombering mechanic actually.

You are 100% right that someone who is wasted or passed out cannot give consent... except that Rose is arguing that she was awake, aware, and sober the entire time. You can think he is lying, but the story he told is one of consent - for anyone other than those who do want the signed contracts.

But it isn’t his plumbing right? It is hers.

I hate the fact that I’m saying this... but the colorblind thing isn’t a gotcha. I tell people I’m colorblind all the time... and I am red green colorblind... meaning I can’t see various shades of purple, blue, green, gray.... but I can see pink no problem. I assume that’s what he meant.

Professional athletes taking or flushing condoms seems like a reasonable move. I have no idea if rape happened or not, but that doesn’t swing me either way.

That sign that said “I’d rather get punched in may than get knocked out in October” was pretty great considering it was Odor’s shitty throw that allowed Donaldson to score.

On iPad Chrome: first click goes to Twitter, second to snappytv, third actually plays it. Each click opens a new tab.

I got it to play, but only after launching a bunch of tabs again. Twitter to video to snappytv and finally it played. Thanks for checking, though!

I was going to watch that clip, but I gave up after clicking what appeared to be a play button for the fourth time in the third tab to launch. (Android device, fwiw)

I agree with your points, but here is what I’ve started doing - limit myself to only 1 hour a week to monitor “media” related websites. It sounds silly, but I’ve actually felt more focused on my well being and others that I care about. The media, or shitty news articles like what Maddie spews only sends us deeper and

Even my mum loved to play the original Sonic.

I’m not sure how helpful this is going to be. Canadians all look the same to me, with their beady little eyes and flappin’ heads full of lies.

Well, the guy next to backwards hat woman appears to be looking down at the vacant space, which lends credence to the “ducked down immediately” theory.