
You don’t think the FOUNDERS knew technology would advance over time? The whole point is to give sovereign citizens the ability to defend themselves from harm. All of these mass shootings are in gun-free zones.. I wonder why..

Not allowing us to have nukes technically IS infringing but even I agree we shouldn't have them.

Further, in every other amendment in the Bill of Rights the words “the people” refers to individuals. There’s no reason to believe that in the Second Amendment, “the people” means “militias collectively.”

Do you show equal anger over attempted suppression of the first amendment...

Well that would mean the GT shouldn’t be running this year as they haven’t built a vehicle yet.

You don’t dump the fuel in the compressor (intake) side, you dump it in the exhaust side. So regardless of anti-lag you aren’t putting the “exhaust” of the anti-lag fuel into the intake.

I would love to see Deadspin and Jalopnik unshackled from the Gawker/Jezebel shitshow.

1970's CLimate freeze will bring the ice age

I had such a crush on Ellie Satler when I first saw that movie.

you should do “Malory” instead

More basic than that is “understand that not everyone has the same opinions that you do” is vital, and you cannot grow up until you get that.

They say 50% of being attractive is not being fat.

On contrast, my brain and bod are completely on sync. Both of them are fat pigs with no self control.

Yes, the private sector will always act in its own interest. And of course it is in Delta’s interest to have shorter wait lines for its customers. Things are great when corporate self interest line up with customer interest.

The core problem with the legislature is that it was entirely built on the assumption of compromise, thus presuming that, despite inherent ideological differences, there’d be some spirit of “gentlemanly cooperation” to keep things going along. That certainly hasn’t always been the case in the past, especially in the

I would argue that the presidency has increased in power over the last 100 years and that the legislature accurately represents a nation with an ideological divide between those that seek to empower government in every area of the citizen’s lives, destroying individual responsibility and those that represent a moneyed

Yeah, I’m with you there. We live in a scary time where there is a big fight happening between reasonably rational people and the forces of the anti-enlightenment. I hope the latter doesn’t win; their views are predicated on rejecting reality to advance their short-term greed to the detriment of everyone else.

As someone who has worked in supply chain for 15+ years, it’s fucking ridiculous that a semi-automated warehouse can pick and pack 300 customer orders out of a 250,000 sq.ft. distribution center faster than 300 people in a line can get through airport ‘security’.

The manual airport bin system is designed to be as slow

Yeah, this. That graphic really needs to be changed.

The correct answer is whatever 10% that doesn’t include me or my family.