
Sure, i’ll bite.

What about the Nock and Puckle Guns? Those could be considered assault weapons for their day.

I am a contractor for a large city and they have Access everywhere. So glad I don't support it.

You’re that guy, aren’t you? You know, the one that creates these Excel monstrosities then leaves the company and the company continues using it even though everything coded is outdated with each major version release.

God...the Excel versioning nightmare...

You can remove the white space consuming hard drive space, not that it matters with current hard drive sizes. It slightly risky and could cause your IT guy (the all inclusive use of the term guy, not just those of us that ID as a male) to drink.

How many organizations rely on Access databases? Other than legacy applications, I haven’t really seen it used any place since I EAS’d in 2003.

In echo chambers it is. That the way of Kinja and the group think it has created.

I don’t think it will go down... There are predictions of the worst fire season on record for California because of this El Nino.

From what I saw this weekend, they aren’t trusted at McDonald’s because they’ll eat all the food.

Yes, the food ban has driven process up at all the places that sell food as a result.

You could get there an hour before the flight if you weren’t checking a bag, walk through metal detector in your shoes while your carry-on was x-rayed as you packed it. 5 minutes tops. Oh, line changes were encouraged if a family and baby going through, they actually got helped.

No, they will send as one message, but be received (at least on Sprint) as multiple messages and out of order.

The Rebel Lieutenant - that’s a great story and should only be told in video, audio or in person. So much will be lost in communicating that through text.

You aren’t creative enough...Samantha Usha can be shortened to Samus. Usha is French for little bear according to

If my last child was a daughter her name would have been Zelda... And my wife was oddly ok with that. Odds (probability in this case) were heavily favored to be a boy though since first three were boys.

Crap it works on my phone.... abort abort abort!

The sites I use on lots of devices, I use my own. Everything else I use a generated one from a manager.

Chlorine will not kill pink eye, even if you can feel the burn in your eyes from the chlorine standing on the deck. My mom and I can attest to that. 30 years later and my eyes still tear up...

I’m sorry. I’ve had a weird blood sugar day.