
A son and I are flying next month to dump him on gramma, because puberty sucks and we (his parents and him) need a break from each other.

I saw one where a T-Rex was eating the family. I don’t remember what the punch line was though.

Because when we study it, we are issued rose colored glasses that show only what the movie director or professor wants us to see. Neither group explains that Canada’s healthcare system has months long waiting and their taxes are insanely high. But as long as it is free, it doesn't matter why my taxes are astronomical, on Kotaku.

I've only been prescribed Vicodin once. It isn't like I'm House and eating them like candy.

Because antiinflammatory medications don’t work on me and is me pissing money down the drain. Vicodin only works if I mix it with 2 extra strength Tylenol pills.


They are at Dover, every wreck is hard. This is the closest to a traditional street circuit and their concrete canyons that NASCAR gets.

That’s fine, I didn’t want a Ford GT.

That’s actually what I was thinking. How long until he disqualifies himself for using the wrong ball?

I know. Says it right there by the mirror.

Routine colorectal: Some plans cover this annually at 50, some every 5 years. Look into it and, most important of all: be aware that the ACA provision leaves a wide gulf in terms of what’s “routine preventive” versus what’s diagnostic. If an issue is found on a routine colonoscopy (Polyps, a growth, etc), then it may

I painted a Soap Box Derby car to look like this (or similar, I can’t remember the year I used as a guide).

Totally worth it!

God...YouTube binges...those are the worse.

The 4 stop race.

Or, some C4 or dynamite. Then you have dirty bomb. While a full bomb is every terrorist organizations wet dream, don’t think they won’t do a dirty bomb if they have the means.

Usually it is a one pun per comment (unless that is just Jalopnik)...but that’s brilliant.

They should be observing people, and pulling those with lace up boots and bags of stuff should get pulled to another line.

That’s true, but people have been the same since they came into being. In 2002, empty pockets last minute even with the guy telling us over and over again. In 2006 or 2007 it was the same. I fly to Kentucky next month, it will probably be just like 2006 or 2007.