In Russia, pussy grab you...
Dood was smiling as he fielded that last put out. Wow. That was fun. Neat.
So. So.
Maybe you are a “lumper” and not a “splitter”. Maybe your outrage has no volume or tenor. Maybe you lack of any kind of knowledge about the topic you comment on, but fearlessly do it anyhow. If you are an expert on sexual deviance involving minors, I challenge you to say one fucking thing that means anything to…
Dood, we can’t even suppress beheadings of actual american people, but fuckery like this can be opined about in plain gotdamn sight. What a world, what a world...
Noah was told by the mighty lord that hitting two’s was an imperative, a mandate if you will. Global warming, thanks Obama.
Agreed. There is not a law in the land that should prevent someone from dicking out. It’s really kinda okay to be a total dick when the justification adds up. We all know that parking tix target Dix (and Mix), so this is not a story, nor should anyone be surprised or empathize otherwise. But about that lady he…
If you can’t laugh, you know, like, what can you do. Excellence will always be scrutinized. Kudos.
Sorry Officer Freshtake, I was unaware of the posted signage, and I sure am glad you are protecting us from shitty kinja...uhhh...
Well lift my leg....so how long has it been there figuratively?
This is a Deadspin Video, in which strange sports moments are slowed down to ridiculous speeds and matched with indie music. This video features “Look Around” by Beat Happening. See previous episodes here. A Spotify playlist of every song used in Deadspin Videos can be accessed here.
Not to split hairs...Social commentary should be left to those that are social. I’m really hoping you think that you are part of a “solution”. Neat.
Uhhh, do what?
whoa. Thanks man. I don’t know what I was thinking. Mission accomplished. Neat.
I would rather pound salt up my ass than watch another shitshow like this travesty. Professional football has got the death rattle, and I am very upset with myself for caring enough about watching this brand of shitty football when there are so many other ways to waste my time. I should have hit the sack when the…