
Could they make the “only on GMA” banner bigger? I could still see part of the video.

the same way a cd never could replace a vinyl lp

Kate Bush: So spiritually powerful she reincarnated while she was still alive.

Who needs real people when fictional characters will suffice?

So long as everybody is clear that “harness social media” means “uses Twitter,” and that “make the world better” means selling boxes of water instead of bottles of water, I see nothing wrong with your response.

Dude, the kid is 17. The only difference between you and me is he comes from money and has figured out how to harness social media. At 17 we were still trying to figure out how to afford Taco Bell and harness a lady friend for a weekend. Don’t hold it against him for at least trying make the world better.

Overeact much? He’s just a kid being stupid. That uncomfortable waterboard comment suggests you have bigger problems.

It is something to be praised, that this child does not squander his fame on mere acting-job-getting and Kardashian-dating.

I can’t actually see anything happening in that video clip... What is going on exactly?

I bet most of the original actors would be happy to voice their characters.

Why does it look worse then the old show? Is it going for a stylistic suck?

I thought it was pretty strange when I first heard it. Of course Takei is a well-known gay activist, but Trek is also pretty well-known for avoiding LGBT issues (at least in the main series), and Generations confirmed that the character had at least one heterosexual relationship and had a daughter.

It’s also perfectly in character for a comsumate professional who has worked too damn long and hard to have any respect for Method fappery. I get the impression from interviews where she talks about her technique that she doesn’t buy into it, and likes to keep things focused but relaxed when she’s working. IDK, I

Should have totally been a holographic Leia...

Hell, Mal first meets Kaylee while she’s going at it with the ship’s former engineer. As soon as she’s shown to be more competent than he is, Mal offers Kaylee a job on the spot. Mal’s insult to Inara is 100% personal. His behavior around Zoe, Kaylee, and many other women (even other companions) on the show are