Shablam Two Tokyo Drift


Isn’t that third pic two guys or do I need better glasses?

Chop and Steele eventually appeared on three shows, in Eau Claire, Wisc., Bismarck, N.D., and Allentown, Penn., before canceling their other appearances due to being “stressed out.”

Trump is the gift that never stops giving.

I see you are familiar with his work. Glad this was settled amicably.

Wikipedia is not an academic source. My nephew is. *drops mic*

Oh, absolutely. I’m sorry I didn’t mean there was any legitimacy to what he says.

Bird Bird is a duck. Fight me.

So, raise your hand, if you know anyone who “uses” their companies health insurance benefits, and then leaves the company some time after they get better.

Not to mention, Biglaw firms are notorious for giving you leave (which they do to stay competitive with each other) and then driving new mothers out by being utterly inflexible about the punishing hours and the “work first” philosophy. Not that he would notice or care about that factor, it’s clearly just sneaky women

This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

Why is he still allowed to be around children? His or any?

I’ve had dogs and cats as pets all of my life, but never had the need to teach them not to bite. They just don’t. Perhaps the people ramming their fists into their mouths are doing something else wrong.

and the fucking fact that DeBlasio revoked the delivery ban so the avenues are practically one lane due to trucks being parked for hours.

Was that picture made by holding your TV against the copier?

Contestant: [watches video above]

Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.

My BFF and I met at our Catholic college, we had both mostly given up our religion by that point, but we had the history/tradition. Fast forward 10 years, her (now) husband was raised atheist and it's always amazing to watch his face as she describes some of the intricacies of the Catholic faith to him. He gets this

I'm a defense attorney, so I usually think embarassment and mental anguish claims are BS, but that video is so funny and I have already watched it enough times to think he has a case for those damages.