Speak for yourself. I woulda gotten my ass handed to me on account of my quick, violent temper and all the dirty shameful skeletons in my closet.
Speak for yourself. I woulda gotten my ass handed to me on account of my quick, violent temper and all the dirty shameful skeletons in my closet.
Whether the cop is correct about that or not, did you see the video? He took that lady down and jammed a taser in her back because she raised her voice at him. There was NO plausible threat there at all. That was a pure temper fit by a cop who got pissy that she was insufficiently obsequious.
“Utter and abject failure.” She lost the election, yes. However, she did win three million more votes than Trump. It’s a failure, no doubt, but “utter and abject” makes me think you aren’t viewing this entirely rationally.
“Single most flawed candidate ever put forward.” You haven’t taken an American history class, have you?
If history is any guide, they’ll get special privileges and accommodations.
Clinton should have gotten all of the 2012 voters, too. Because a vote isn’t a bespoke expression of one’s innermost beliefs about the ideal shape of the world. It’s a blunt instrument for allocating power among necessarily imperfect options.
Also, the salient consideration isn’t Stein’s vote total nationwide, but…
I like how this metaphor sounds like it should mean something but instead means nothing at all. Neat!
Yes, clearly we disagree with whether this crystal floor thing is worthless bullshit. We have chosen to express that disagreement in an exceedingly roundabout way, but that’s the nut of it. In addition, you’ve attempted to shoehorn in a totally inapposite point about consent. I don’t know why, but you have - and to…
Jesus Christ. If someone takes your money and gives you nothing, you have suffered the injury of losing money and getting nothing in return. Whether you have consented to that or not, that specific injury is the same. If it’s done without consent, as in with burglary, there is the additional injury (injuries,…
Still hurts the same (in one way, if not all ways).
Mostly the way that being burgled hurts: by taking a buttload of your money and giving you nothing in return.
I thought that was already an element of cardio? It is the way I do it, anyway.
Holy shit, this is gold! Class[war]Fit!
I think there’s some sort of quasi-magnetic connection between them and the jade eggs you keep in your vagina. You do keep jade eggs in your vagina, don’t you?
Especially since, as I understand it, anti-aging cream is entirely unnecessary! All you actually need to do is put rocks in your vagina! What us fellas can do, I don’t know. Maybe there are butthole rocks or something?
Fun fact: We already have Pence/Ryan. Trump is just the hideously unstable cherry on top of the shit sundae.
To be fair, it was almost 20 years ago. It feels weird to me too that 1998 was that long ago, but it was.
She reminds me of this blonde, proto-Fox-News-looking asshole I used to watch spout right wing nitwittery on “Politically Incorrect” in the 1990's.
...and some wooder ice.
When does the voting happen? Is there any chance Meryl Streep got a “fuck you Donald Trump” bump?