Shablam Two Tokyo Drift

I guess, but man, your brain has to be shut all the way down in order for you to think that "stay in the car" is anything other than a totally disastrous option.


Meanwhile, I and my vasectomy will be over here feeling masculine as fuck by virtue of being able to shotgun a tall boy of Budweiser without spilling. As god intended.

Also, while there may be a high degree of correlation between vaccination and the onset of autism symptoms, there's probably also a high degree of correlation between exposure to tongue depressors or the thing doctors use to look in kids' ears, or lollipops, for that matter.

You gotta admit, though, for a corpse, she looks great!

I love the look on the kid on the left's face. "Really? Really with this shit?"

For kicks?

Foot rockets. How do you think souls ascend to heaven? Magic?

Hence the name “lay nurse."

There isn't enough weed in the world to make me like Phish. Anyone with the "able to enjoy Phish" gene doesn't actually need weed to do so.

Joyless? Not the way it happens in my head.