Honest question: What is a black section of a website?
Honest question: What is a black section of a website?
“His goddamn house burned down you fucking idiot! That counts as being homeless.”
Victimhood is one helluva drug.
The best beer I’ve ever had was served out of garage at mile 22 of the Honolulu marathon. Pretty sure it was Bud Light and it was definitely in a paper cup, but damn if it didn’t put some wind into my sails for the last few miles.
“So apparently he thinks the negroes are “harsh” in their criticism of being gunned down like rabid beasts by cops”
Thank you. I feel privileged.
Interesting scenario.
“you lack empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness”
“ Just say you’re cool with racism and keep rolling.”
You’re hysterical, Monique.
“Anyone that voted for this man and his collection of scumbags should get the shit beat out of them. For real.”
“Also, the reason why you don’t see crying black mothers on TV is because America does not give a solitary fuck about the pain of black women.”
“Yep. Because “one” shitty employee is too fucking many. How many employees should be allowed to overcharge customers and slur them before anyone can say something about it?”
“Do you really think that the employer had no idea that he had hired a racist bastard to work there?”
“I hope they succeed in getting the location closed.”
Why do that when one can just spend an entire day arguing with strangers on the internet without changing anyone’s mind?
“Western Civilization is based on supremacy.”