Shabaab Kamal

Those things... are very much connected. More food makes you bigger. Bigger people die faster.”

The good news is that it’s been confirmed you can save vehicle designs and rapidly deploy them later. You don’t need to painstakingly put your hoverboard together every single time.

These early reviews are usually worthless, give a bad review and the odds are you won’t be invited back to do another. Also I don’t get why Gizmodo gets holier than thou with Harry Potter and JK Rowling, choosing not to cover that stuff and yet we’re getting a ton of Flash content starring a women abuser, child kidna

That does not really apply in this case. Sweeney is an objectively talented coder and software developer, which makes this random screed even more disappointing.

I doubt he was picked on. He was probably ignored for being just as unlikable as he is today. 

*We need to take his billions.

I was the nerd being picked on in school and even I want to slap a ‘kick me’ sign on this idiots back. He needs to take his billions and just go away, no one cares what he thinks.

What a dipshit lmao

For a man of this status and influence making such sweeping and inaccurate allegations is wild. they’re conspiratorial. 

Well you don’t, so they should just shut the whole thing down.

I’m sure that “The Gamers (tm)“ are furious about this and are typing up diatribes with one hand while the other one is wrapped firmly around their sad, lonely pecker. Because lesbians.

Do you mean recent as in 100 years, recent as in 50 years, armed conflicts as in ones the US is involved in, armed conflicts as in the ones the US admits to being involved in...?

This is a pretty neat idea.
I wonder if for the Tarkov iteration there will be ammo restrictions, ie only FMJ, no hollow-points. Or inversely only reduced richochet ammunition intended for reduced collateral damage, which are effectively hollow-points but for use in apartment buildings etc for special forces and law

I’m definitely getting some Xenoblade vibes. (Not a complaint.)

the worst part is last time someone said that, a pack of black-furred dogs attacked them and Hecate popped in to do a quick finger guns and peace sign, yet he seemed cross about it.


oh, he didn’t mean the racism so it’s all good!

In all the cases I’ve read about over the years, there’s only 1 I can think of that was actually a false allegation.  I think it’s time we just take these women at their word and stop worrying about false allegations as a knee jerk reaction.

Cases like these are hard to look at subjectively because you want to believe victims when they come forward, but you also want to prevent false accusations. I am not sure in this case which is true now.. they stated he did it, lost, and now state he didn’t do it. The thing that bothers me the most about this, is once

This deal was not done to take games away from another playerbase like that,” Spencer said. “Nowhere in the documentation that we put together was: ‘How do we keep other players from playing these games?’ We want more people to be able to play games, not fewer people to be able to go play games.”