Shabaab Kamal

NY dems got their shit rocked specifically because they were too busy trying to get cute and fight progressives like AOC rather then, you know, field candidates that voters wanted to elect.

I am 100% biased when it comes to AOC. Honestly taking a swing at low hanging fruit like that guy is alright by me in this arena. Publicity stunt or nah, gamers know game. Respect.

she’s 33 goddamn years old, what do you think the demographics of video games is like? 

she’s younger than me and Ive been gaming since i was little, not sure why it’s difficult for you to imagine.

The times is one of the few major media companies still doing great classic reporting, but their blind spot for unfettered capitalism is embarrassing. It’s like they’re incapable of thinking their might be any serious problems with the US economic system and whenever anything bad happens it’s just a mistake or a few

You said the entire pokedex is out, but left out one important piece of information: How much of the National Dex is usable in SV? I was loudly against the exclusion of the National Dex in SwSh, but I really came to not give a shit. How much of a blowback from this same issue can we expect though?

Surprisingly, except

“I got this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.””

No, Mark, you are making 11,000 other people take responsibility for that. You are taking no responsibility.

I wonder how many years they had to sit in a boardroom with morons from FIFA pitching this kind of garbage?

That sucks a lot, and given that the choice is either grinding within a small window or paying money, I think just decided that this game doesn’t make it into my rotation anymore.

Listen, sometimes you “get” it and just want to move on with the whole thing. I was playing Psychonauts 2 recently, and while I really liked the game, there was one boss that took me like 3-4 tries, and the whole sequence of defeating it was pretty long and bland, and regardless of how far you made it, you had to

I’ve been playing some games on Easy difficulty lately, otherwise I would never play them because there’s enough games I don’t have the time for something that takes a lot to get through.

Even as a five year old, I knew to offer the back of my hand for safe sniff. I was walking a block in front of my mom when I offered my hand to a dog I didn’t know, and she yelled at me to be careful with the dog. I turned to address her about it, and that was when the dog reached out and it quickly and neatly removed

I said it before in my other comment, but my answer is “institutional knowledge.”

Now playing

Anyone remember that brilliant tongue-in-cheek ad that Sony put out at the start of the last generation? The one that explained how to share used games on PS4? The one that took an absolute shit on Xbox One’s stupid, messy, draconian system?

Double check that you are actually playing the PS5 version of the game and not the PS4 version! Don’t feel bad if you are playing the wrong version though, Sony has done a terrible job with all of this stuff.

There is nothing “smart” about Sony’s delivery system.

You can blame players if you like, but I blame Sony’s shit back-end systems.

The only reason to play a PS4 version rather than the PS5 version is if you’re trophy collecting. I don’t play Destiny, but all the other games I have that have free PS5 upgrades were rather straightforward in giving me the option. 

Thats absolutely not the criticism being levied though, I’ve seen this sentiment echoed for a lot of these reviews and it strikes as incredibly shallow and dismissive, the problem isn’t and never was that bisexual women exist, it’s that bayonetta ending up with Luka, and her and Jeanne have a pretty unceremonious

As a bi, there’s always a certain twinge of pain when a review basically boils down to “I hate this character if they aren’t a gold star lesbian like I wanted.”