I dunno, I’m an Overwatch die-hard and I would stop playing the game if they stopped releasing new heroes. I mean, that’s basically what happened in the two years leading up to OW2, and the player base tumbled.
I dunno, I’m an Overwatch die-hard and I would stop playing the game if they stopped releasing new heroes. I mean, that’s basically what happened in the two years leading up to OW2, and the player base tumbled.
I have no idea who I’m going to pick. I have C0 Xingqiu, C1 Xiangling, C1 Beidou, and C0 Yanfei and Xinyan.
Damn, no Milly is a huge bummer. I loved her and her huge family so much!
Just because the FTC allowed anti competitive or anti consumer actions in the past doesn't mean they should do it again lol
Exclusivity deals are by their nature limited by the length of the deal. Buying a company is forever. There's an immense difference.
Y’all can't even include a picture of a bladeless fan?
I thought the combat was way more interesting than regular Pokemon. (Though that’s a pretty low bar, in the single player.) I think there were enough Pokemon who could withstand going against faster Pokemon through their tankiness, and choosing between agile and strong was a nice strategic addition. And for once the…
While I agree that role queue was a somewhat lazy fix to the balance issue, I can safely say I would have abandoned Overwatch a long time ago if they stopped adding new heroes. You can’t have a “forever game” without new content.
Man you do sound old
Just less crafting, please
Goddammit, why is this so charming?
Genshin has been promising primos ever since the nomination was announced, so I don’t think that explains the sudden spike
... Yeah, I SUPER don't trust anyone at Square Enix to depict hate crimes.
Whoa, thanks for letting me know!
I really hope Nintendo doesn’t stay silent about this mess. It’s so out of character for a Nintendo published game to be so buggy and perform so poorly, and they should apologize and make an active effort to fix things ASAP.
I imagine that MS and AB have British divisions. They probably can’t merge their local entities without local approval.
Chill, dawg. Kotaku isn’t afraid to call Sony on their bullshit when Sony does something problematic. (See: Sony refusing to give Kotaku review codes because they don’t like Kotaku’s reporting.) It’s just that in this case, MS published something that Kotaku can comment on.
Unless they made some recent change, it’s definitely not haha. Allied Lucio says, “Let’s break it down!” and enemy Lucio says “Vamos esculachar!” when he ults.
In Genshin it’s stuff like, “Hey, can you go get me some rocks from down the road?” and then an hour later you’ve unlocked a new biome and met three new characters and have learned two new mechanics