Shabaab Kamal

I know the loot situation is terrible, but I LOVE the new mode. It’s so much fun and way more dynamic than the other PvE modes they’ve had.

Yeah, changing your name is the same as being trans 

LOVE IT! Fingers crossed we’ll see unionization accelerate across the entire industry over the next 5-10 years.

Abusive relationships are complicated, and many victims still love their abusers in some way. Like, she chose to (theoretically) spend the rest of her life with this man, and has stuck with him in spite of the abuse for years; there are strong feelings and experience there that complicate her anger. In contrast, it’s

And then will go back to abusing shortly thereafter, not exactly the same way they did before, but it almost always happens. 

Unfortunately, this might just be another part of the cycle of abuse. It’s common for abusers to “repent” after hearing themselves/realizing what they’re doing, and then quickly try to make reparations... But usually the abuse will return in a different form, sooner rather than later.

I’m looking at Scuf’s PS5 controller, and they have four back buttons that look a lot more comfortable than the DS Edge, and it’s only $10 more than the Edge.

It really bummed me out that Sony went with a full blown “elite” controller instead of doing another Back Button Attachment. That thing was really nice, and back buttons are all I’m looking for. 😔

I am *not* buying a Steam Deck. I am NOT buying a Steam Deck. Yes, I just got a promotion that doubled my salary and gave me a sizable bonus, but I am NOT buying a Steam Deck. I got a Switch OLED for my birthday and then I splurged on a refurbished robot vacuum, and that’s enough expensive technology for one year.

I think a more likely scenario is that Kaplan left due to pressures from "above" in Activision Blizzard, and without him pushing back said pressures had a pretty bad impact on the team

100% agree that it was poor planning.

Waiting for the PvE would have been a bigger mistake. OW was losing players and viewers faster and faster, and they had already decided to stop releasing content for OW until OW2 came out.

I think this would actually count as convergent evolution?

It’s invasive, but I’m all for it. There’s so much vitriol and racism and misogyny that goes unpunished, and something needs to be done about it. I don't mind them keeping recordings for a short while so they can identify assholes and ban them. 

I always thought it was a shame that hero shooters never took off. So I'm glad we're seeing another one after so many years. Eager to try it out!

No, “core mode” means a new multiplayer mode like Escort, Push, Control, etc

I mean, it’s not “selling.” It’s free to play. You can just pay $40 for some extra skins and the first battle pass, but that's entirely optional.

Like Ashley said, delayed till next year.

I’m experiencing very little lag, but quite a few connection errors (mostly getting kicked out of the queue, though, rather than mid -match)

There were a lot of adults playing games before 2000 lol