Shabaab Kamal

It’s NFTs with no blockchain. Which really exposes how bullshit NFTs are, because they are functionally identical lol.

Didn’t know they were selling studios on Prime Day

The issue is that most people don’t want to pay for the retro games and other perks of Premium, so Sony won’t collapse the two upper tiers.

Agreed lol. I'm just trying to build and suddenly I have to deal with these trolls wrecking everything!

It looks better than the second trailer, but I’m bummed that it seems to be more gray “real world” levels from Bayonetta 1 rather than the fantastical, colorful levels from Bayo 2.

It’s funny that this story ran today, because the charging port on my Switch OLED just burned out. Not because of external heat—I think the charger or the cable freaked out and pushed more power than it was supposed to—but it’s still kind of funny.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a really cozy game. The combat is low key and the characters are adorable, but, maybe most importantly, building isn’t too intricate. The game gives you blueprints you can follow to the square if you don't want to get too creative, and even the most detailed builds don't take very long. You

I guess I’m lucky because the streaming has worked really well for me so far, in spite of using Comcast’s second slowest plan and a fairly old router.

I think they mean avoid short trips *when possible.* In your situation it looks like it’s... not possible lol.

The point is that this entire area is based on the Middle East,North Africa, and possibly even South Asia. And while light skinned people can come from those regions, they are very much the minority.

Yeah I'm sure the racists are the ones clamoring for more brown people

They never lied lol. OW was always going to get all the PvP content from OW2 for free and be in the same matchmaking pool and everything. Paying for OW2 was only ever going to get you the PvE stuff.

Blizzard never said they would coexist. OW was always going to get all of the OW2 PVP content, and would be included in the multiplayer pool for OW2. Everyone would be playing together, but Overwatchplayers wouldn’t need to buy a whole new game to get new heroes/balance updates/etc. Now that the PvP is free to play...

If you read between the lines when it was first announced, it was pretty clear that AB wanted a new boxed product and Jeff Kaplan was doing everything in his power to make sure OW2 players didn’t get left behind. At the time they said OW would get all the OW2 PvP content and would be cross-playable, and that

I wish they’d include a *less* difficult option lol. I loved it and played for a long time, but I reached a point after where it kind of lost me because I wasn’t making any more progress.

I like how so many of the comments share this exact sentiment lol

...Ugh. I feel like it’s never a good sign when a developer says a story is going to tackle “more adult themes.”

To clarify, I’m in no way trying to support Amber Heard over Johnny Depp; they are both abusers at *minimum.* But I think the hate towards Amber Heard—and the corresponding support towards Johnny Depp—is disproportionate and reflects some of the worst parts of our society.

Please, PLEASE just let me play the game in bed. In Splatoon 2 you can't reset the gyroscope if you're lying on your back, which means I stopped playing Splatoon 2. Please fix because I love the game so much 😭

I’ve had to keep myself away from trial coverage because it's all so gross. Thumbnails on YouTube where people are relishing a single mistake, or saying it "proves" she's lying... I can't handle it. And you're right, it shows how little we've learned.