Shabaab Kamal

I would love a Kindle, but my library is spread between Kindle and Play Books so it's not worth it at all. *sigh*

Now, was that so hard? 😋 Now if only Deathloop will follow suit

The point of being credited isn’t to have some random player see you contributed to the game—it’s to have a record that you can show to future employers. Not properly crediting developers has actual harmful effects on their careers. If you don’t have an official credit, you can’t actually show examples of your work…

Applause for being brave enough to Google it! It’s a sufficiently iconic moment in the league that I knew it would show up in a search, but most people don't lol

I’m not saying dogs don’t have emotion—my own doggo certainly proves they do!

You should do some cursory research before making such a confident reply.

As long as no one says “sex big dick” in the chat I think they’ll be fine

Especially because Fahey got a drive with a built in heatsink, which won’t be the case for many.

Jeremy, make sure you aren’t attacking Garchomp with a squishy melee Pokemon! Rough Skin (which reflects damage) only triggers against melee attacks, and Garchomp can easily increase its attack speed when you’re that close

Yeah, Garchomp is only a problem once it’s fully evolved—at which point your team is probably significantly ahead in experience and points because Gible/Gabite are such a huge disadvantage.

You’re very brave, standing up for folks making death threats

I mean

Ugh Connor x Tim makes me so happy

Totally agree.

“receiving permission” probably also means a hefty licensing fee from Sony

Control has a sufficiently creepy vibe that I dropped it after clearing the first area lol. Jump scares are fine, but I cannot tolerate sustained creepiness or dread

I wonder if they'll credit everyone who worked on the game itself with equal enthusiasm?

I can’t help but feel like they’re hedging their bets by making him bi.

I didn’t say it was rocket science, just that it’s more complicated than usual. Needing to create a new save file on your PS4 *and* on your PS5 is bizarre.

To be fair, this seems even more complicated than usual lol