I mean, they didn't—he left of his own accord. Though I'm sure the league was happy to see him gone once Cleo posted her story.
I mean, they didn't—he left of his own accord. Though I'm sure the league was happy to see him gone once Cleo posted her story.
So, to clarify, this punishment is simply for failure to cooperate, not for the assault—Riot suspended their investigation because law enforcement has become involved, which I think makes sense.
It feels like you’re saying “next gen” consoles should be able to do... everything? Just because they’re called next gen?
Yeah, I don't care about the game at all, but that sounds like a pretty big plot point to spoil lol
I hope you’re being sarcastic lol
Oh yeah, I know it probably literally *needed* to be that big haha. I consider us all blessed that we didn’t get something like the dev kit:
It’s a shame, because Tizen is legitimately easier to use and smoother than Wear OS. But maybe this will give Google (and Qualcomm) the kick in the ass they need to improve the wear situation.
Not to mention fuel costs. The heavier an aircraft is, the more fuel it needs, which in turn increases the weight further, so you need even more fuel...
But for whatever reason, it's $5 more expensive 😑
After getting a PS5 digital myself, it looks a lot nicer than I thought it would. Horizontally, especially, the curves look really nice and it doesn’t look quite as imposing—almost tasteful!
I know! PS5 owners are literally getting less from Sony because they were early adopters
Huh, I never knew this was a thing. I have tons of pineapple and it's never hurt my mouth. Good to know.
Here’s another annoying thing:
My PS5 gets a really cool new background every time I scroll to a new game
This is theoretically the kind of game I live for—PvEvP, multiple characters with different playstyles, weird early nought-ies aesthetic... But it kinda sounds frustrating. And I can't imagine it's fun being the person lugging the chest out of the keep! (Have we learned nothing from Crystal Chronicles?!)
Meanwhile, if I leave a game running when I put my PS5 into rest mode, there’s a 50% chance the game will crash within minutes of turning back on.
Ehhh, can’t say I agree. While I obviously can’t know what TomBomb was trying to say, their comment reads like they didn’t like that the headline specified the sexist comments—that the comments were only sexist if they targeted women, and that the aforementioned sexism shouldn’t matter because the streamer is a…
The comments are sexist regardless of who they're targeting.
Not always. But if the PS5 version is the only one with issues, it might be because the PS5 is harder to work with.