Pour the hot water on someone elses’ car windshield. If it don’t crack, then go ahead and do yours.
Pour the hot water on someone elses’ car windshield. If it don’t crack, then go ahead and do yours.
So wait a minute, are you disputing what’s said on Tik Tok? Oh dear lord what shall we do now.
so basically McSonic
Its a list from someone that was not even born in 1971. Perhaps a few songs haven’t aged well, but 90% is quite listenable today. The Doors are still one of my favorites to listen while driving about.
I think these are the older model of Corvette e-ray. Maybe 2016 or late 20-teens?
AM-PM gas station Sushi. Tastes good and adds an element of risk and excitement.
Wait.... Fast food workers are demanding--and getting a good living wage plus benefits. Now consumers are surprised that prices have gone up? And blaming the President? Holy crap.
how’s the body panels going to get damaged if its bullet proof?
Well they are so good and not around all year. I also loved the other ones and got 2 boxes last weekend.
This is just another case of white America trying to keep the successful black man down. What ever happened to BLM? forgot about that already?
yeah but its a YouTube video. That makes anything legal and good. Come on.
I guess he’s getting a bit older, but I still think he was one of the best players in the league.
haha....And all this time they blame your travel sickness on recycled air. Its probably NOT the air, its everything else.
So if you take someone’s car with a weapon it’s theft, but if you roll up and tow it away with a truck, its legit business.
just shows we need another round of cash for clunkers.
He’s obviously a confused republican and just doesn’t like the idea of a sign that bans the right.
while at it, I demand to allow straight on red too.
Im a bit of a luddite and even I have a cordless circular saw. Coulda had that thing down in about 15 seconds.
If this is the best of the month, Im gonna cancel this crap right now.