2 day old sushi

Nice price for someone else, not me.

Well looks like the impending invasion of Australia into New Zealand is about to happen. It was just a matter of time. All thanks to sneaky old Joe. 

1st Gear: Welp, I guess this Prelude will be expensive.

Weird solution to a problem. Just wait till he sees the glue mess from the duct tape

exactly right take here. These can at least be sold as city cars for short around town driving.

looks like there’s a big sand pit at the end, just in case.   Still 1/16 mile is just tiny.  Get a quarter+ at least.

I like it too. Its hard to tell the dimensions, but if its big enough, i like it better than the new Z.

I think that is a fake photo, obviously photoshopped.  Shame you guys for trusting and publishing that picture.

Ill give Fargo one or maybe two episodes before I get disappointed.

counterpoint: No, your phone GPS is fine.

I get international candy at the local Mexican Supermarket and the 99cent store . Really cheap candy thats maybe $2.50 for this huge 5lb bag.    Its awful stuff, really so no incentive to keep it after holloween. I give it away by the handful

Can you still get those Sugar-free gummy bears i heard so much about?

We got there because labor costs money too. Every server at Dennys wants > $20/hour plus tips the food’s got to get more expensive. That plus restaurant owners need to make up lost income from  during the pandemic.  We’re paying for all that now.

well duh, its not possible to rape your spouse.  When married ‘two become one’, therefore you’d be raping yourself.  Doesn’t make sense.

Well some of these cars and trucks look pretty new: Nice new Wrangler right up front there.

Not a fan-boy either, but my unbiased and objective observations of this ridiculously designed stupid vehicle, is that idiot Musk said it, and now must make it so. 

In not to long future, Jeeps will be like the 50's classic cars in Cuba.  What I mean is they will all be 20+ years old and just continually rebuilt and restored and bought and sold on to the next generation of fools that think they need a Jeep.   Anyone that can really afford a $60k vehicle might just choose

yea.  Thats a stupid headline just to get replies.  Sure, Jalops dont like Tesla, but I think we all like clean air.  

So wait, what? Almost nobody wants clean air? I do. Hopefully many of our dear readers do.  I get that Tesla is not well liked in this space, but in this case, Tesla seems to be on the winning side.  

I see your point, its a well kept car, and likely fun to drive, but thats too high a price for anyone.