2 day old sushi

This story had been around for some time, obviously. Seeing this now reminds me of an article which explains Car Insurance rates based on how likely your car will be in an accident, per your registrations’ zip code. A common practice in the past called Red lining.

BC pills are the complete opposite, basically preventing abortions.  What a maroon.

I’d definitely read stories where teenage women were free to have all the sex they wanted with the knowledge that a free abortion was available to them anytime anywhere. The freedom is so refreshing.

I thought her show has an unscripted talk/interview show. So not using writers. Whats the big deal then?  

Yeeesh. Who would buy, or even just watch that tape.

Are they gonna put ‘Louis’ show back on FX? I never got to see some of the last season’s episodes. This was a pretty good show.

Nissan might charge a $12000/ year subscription for an 18 year old girl to sit under the dashboard while you drive and get

Its not going to affect Fallon. Lots of employees at lots of workplaces have a grudge against the employer for one reason or another. Just because its ‘WORK’, doesn’t make it ‘TOXIC’.   

this must be why I see SO MANY Dodge Journey and Nissan Rouge SUV out there. No one WANTS these things, its just that’s all you can get at or below list price.

Look, Drivers are just getting used to hands-free cell phone use, now you ask them to be able to back up into a parking spot? Come on.

In general ‘Workplace’ = ‘toxic’.  No one really wants to be in a workplace, but they HAVE to, you know, to make some money.   

IDK what you said, but it was beautiful.

came here to say that. 9 of 10 yachts this size have all this and more onboard. I mean, that’s what these big boats are for.

im strangely compelled to listen to Exile on Main Street this afternoon.

Im surprised he even got 70 miles out. But that said, isn’t the Coast guard patrolling just 3 miles from US shore?

Apparently that’s ALL the movies on HBO.

How many kids does Meg Ryan have? Anyway it’s those few vs everyone else. We win :)

I just dont see how this is possibly enforceable or legal. How do you prove what an ‘intended destination’ would be if it hasn’t happened yet? 

Eh, why not.  NP