2 day old sushi

How did this lander burn on the moon, if there is no oxygen? Or is there just enough for a small fire?

This version of River Wild is just so awful.  I couldn’t stand it after about 20 minutes shut it off.  Good god what a stinker

In Soviet Russia, Moon crash into Rocket.

the $200/year in Texas is a bit high. Unless they also double the gas tax at the same time.  Its a tough situation, nobody likes taxes, but everyone likes to drive on good roads.  Whatchagonnado

there are a lot of broad painting lately, against political sides. Its a shame. really. 20 years ago there was backlash against Muslims because ignorance.  A few loaudmouths ruin the class. 50  years ago conservative ideals meant something good, now its synonymous with evil.  It seems to be ok now to label someone if

If every car changed to e-car, there’s almost no money for highway repairs. This is a legit problem. Getting clean air but then also get broken roads.

Math checks out for Texas. For an E-car to be driven 20,000 miles per year to break even with the $200 extra tax.

well shoot, if live security guards and cameras wont stop bold looters in Nordstrom, how can we stop some desperate homeless man from taking food from a lowly robot.?

Likely its because the parent wasn’t supervising their child. Not really for peeing in the street.  But that’s what sticks. 

Im betting the studios made the majority of the money from the movie. After that, the family and Oher each made some $ from being famous and whatnot. Likely each side mismanaged most of it and now each side is pointing at the other asking for more. It’s kind of an interesting story on one level, (maybe a sequel movie

Great way to get the comments going. Pick a well known topic and let ‘er rip.

Infiniti Monolith is more like it.  Its big but actually not bad looking. I just think this will be used by commercial limo services rather than for families.

Just any good condition running car at $5k is a good deal these days

True that. Almost every model has some ‘special limited edition’ with maybe just a color combination or larger engine or whatever. there’s thousands of similar cars for half the price.

Well, I guess the price is 85% of what a Bently Blower costs. (And that’s 1.5 million pounds.)

Good ol Merc SL. Classic style, looks great, but drives like a boat.  Still, I’d probably take one if I had a chance

Almost gave a NP, until the end, that emissions issue is a major deal breaker.  You can get a new Miata for this price if you wat some fun

Right? Don’t they realize there are records of the withdrawals and that will lead to overdraft fees?

No mention of Hostel? That’s the one that made me ill. No fake monsters there, just real sickos in a story that just could happen.