
$1.10, actually.

is this true, or is this afib?

Turned the phone horizontally?

“Hey, by any chance, was the Uber driver in this case wearing a sleeveless dress or blouse?” 

“Clearly, the US, Russia and China each have enough nukes to turn North Korea into any color glass they choose without any assistance from the other two.”

These are how you survive summer without AC:

No military commander in the world that isn’t playing politics for another star on his shoulder will say that they can take out every North Korean threat before they are able to be used on South Korea.

Nope, that is true. I believe you could loosen the engine mounts and jack it up, but I think pulling the motor was the recommended method. It’s been a long time, but I think it was just the back 2 plugs.

Pretty much. He’s getting life in prison or death (2 first degree murder convictions at his age), and this will be the last time he EVER gets to wear clothes of his choice until he’s at the funeral home. I mean the man is out of fucks to give at this point, so he wore something that he wanted to wear. I have no

Sounds like you need a jellybaby

They literally have beach police who will come around who will stop you if your hole gets to any decent size and they will fill in your hole.

Also, sharpened driftwood covered in feces makes excellent pungi sticks

What, you mean that a .50 caliber pistol round, designed to be primarily used for hunting very big game or punching through substantial body-armour and still injuring or killing the target in warfare, wouldn’t be stopped by a fucking book?

He should have that mole removed

When i worked in animation straight out of college one of the first things i had to do was cut files from one server and move them into the rendering queue on another. The files couldn’t be copied because they were so large it would take too long.

Ahhh, the infamous snipe. My uncle and cousins used to take me snipe hunting at their house at Lake George. I was always so sad that they seemed to catch all of them. Looking back, it was good times with family.

I’ve sent you all my stars, hope you recieved them.

Sorry, I missed the point of your post. I see what you did there. ;)

Do those come standard with TPMS? Obviously 1.5psi too low on the tracks.