
I started dating my partner when she was 17.  But I’m only one year, five months, and 22 days older than she is, so can I garner some approval here?

Nitrous? I’m skeptical. I never behaved like those deer during or after a visit to my dentist.

When on vacation, I try to rent sedans for their lockable trunks. In my single years, I also owned some small sedans. At home with a family, I’ve owned two station wagons, one minivan, a pickup truck with a bed cap, and my current CUV.

If a five-member city council votes 3-2 to appoint you city manager, you probably shouldn’t take the job.  I’ll be very surprised if McCarthy is still Speaker at the end of this session of Congress.

I have no idea whether Rep Rogers was drinking. However, I believe many people can understand an urge to punch Rep. Gaetz in the face. As comedian Chris Rock once said in a different situation:I don’t approve, but I understand.”

I  once had a boss who downplayed whatever his staff recommended and would rather rely on outside expertise.  So, when I wanted to get him to do something, I would try to cite an outside expert.  On a few occasions, the outside expert I cited was me.

Next for winter in Boston, a review of the various available lawn chairs.

I kind of like, “I’m terribly sorry, but you must have confused yourself with someone whose business that is.”

Blizzard of 1966. I’m a college student in upstate NY. A split-window, 4-speed, fuelly Corvette is just a used car (not a six-figure collectible) and my friend had his set up 2.5 turns lock to lock. We had to get from Ithaca to Manhattan. If you pick the right time of day, and the right weather, that trip can easily

Why are there makes missing from this list?

During the last flight I took, according to the screen in front of my seat, the outside temperature reached -50 to -60 degrees. Since battery efficiency declines in cold weather, wouldn’t that further increase the problems involved in electric power for passenger planes?

I learned to drive stick on an old Ford tractor when I was so young I had to stand up to depress the clutch.

When I was a kid, I delivered meat for a local butcher.  His black Isabella is the only car I have ever driven with four on the tree.  Not a lot of nostalgia there.

My memory isn’t quite what it once was, but didn’t I read that most hydrogen is manufactured from natural gas and that furthermore, the manufacturing process takes more energy than burning the hydrogen produces?

Yes, I am old enough that my parents once owned a 1951 Willys Jeepster (bought used). It was an absolute POS. It even had side curtains, rather than windows and by the time they got it, the side curtains were opaque! To make matters far worse, during the time they owned the thing, they never once put the top down.

How many utility knives and retractable tape measures to you have to own to know where at least one of each is at all times?

There are only two things wrong with what’s now happening to Alex Jones.

Elon is the richest man in the world. I am the 15-billionth richest man in the world. Yes, I know there aren’t that many people on earth. But considering our relative wealth I am assuming Elon knows something I don’t.

When you put a car into gear, if you start off very slowly, you will probably never encounter a situation like this.

School can be difficult for a lot of reasons. And even for a single student, the reasons could be different for different subjects. I was in a gifted math class because I got the answers. Not doing any work didn’t seem to matter. I didn’t get into gifted English because my teacher wouldn’t accept me not doing the work