Why did the big shark eat the little shark? Because it could.
Why did the big shark eat the little shark? Because it could.
Couldn’t find the shortest clip that would get the idea across, but it seems to me this situation requires and deserves this.
Wouldn’t the truck have rear-view mirrors, and shouldn’t the driver have been trained in how to use those modern marvels of technology?
I unshrunk my shorts and trousers by losing 40 pounds. Your way seems quicker and less trouble. I’ll have to try it.
The ramen didn’t contaminate the lake because someone neglected to bring the lake to a rolling boil before dumping the ramen in.
To change the cabin air filter on my 2000 Chrysler T&C, you had to remove the windshield wipers. Not just the blades or the arms, the entire mechanism! I didn’t.
“I could only hope to love someone this much.”
More pleasing engine sound, not more realistic. And, speaking of virtual engine sound, I go to a lot of car shows. When we owned a 2000 Chrysler T&C, my wife suggested I record the engine sound of a full-race Hemi, and play it through the T&C’s sound system as I idled through the parking lot at some of those shows.
Not expensive at all, but the screws that held the taillights on a 1986 Ford Taurus Wagon looked long enough to hold the headlights on too.
Instead of six, try saying sex and then the rest of it.
Sounds like the State of Tennessee is a viable candidate for a Darwin Award this year.
Following QAnon and worshiping Satan seem entirely compatible to me.
In my family, we call it Kraft Macaroni and Yellow, because it doesn’t taste at all cheesy to any of us.
It looks small. Can it really carry all of those things at once?
I had an English prof who insisted all authors only wrote one book. Then, they wrote the same thing over and over again. I told him he was wrong, Ayn Rand wrote two books. In the first (“Atlas Shrugged” and “Fountainhead”), the hero didn’t give a damn about anyone else and was wildly successful. In the second…
I don’t remember if my AT&T plan has unlimited data, but I just noticed my e-bill doesn’t say anything but how much I owe and when it has to be paid. I guess I’ll have to try to figure out how to access my AT&T account on line to refresh my memory.
Where I live, the sidewalk is public, but the homeowner is responsible for maintaining the part of it that’s in front of their house. So, where I live, the homeowner should probably replace the sidewalk, at their expense, although the fact that the city tore it up might change that, even where I live. And, in my area,…
From what I’ve read about this, Cosby seems to think he was vindicated. He wasn’t!
either your article overwhelmed the website, or it’s super slow. I’ll try again another day.
What trait? All of them.