Sgt. Thunderfist MD

In my opinion they should've attached a representation of some sort of airborn animal on this.

C'mon Internet, is this cut really that super.

Ben Gibbard's haircut is sensual enough, thank you.

First the Subway guy, now one of the Duggar Clan!? Who can I trust!??

Owen Wilson is Being Typecast as Something But I'm Not Sure What, Internet.

Is there room for non-old skool AVCers.

Mark my words, this is gonna be just like Food Fight.

SnarfsIsGross coming in hot.


Same here man. Being Mormon and liberal and having decent taste in music can be a handful.

Sums up how I feel about globes.


10/10, would cry again.

Cool to know that my home state was part of the inspiration for such a beautiful album.