

Ah, I see, said the blind man.

But the Surface 2 is already out...

They haven't given up on Japan and the rest of Europe either. They just haven't released there yet. It won't be a difference of a year this time around either. Just a few months. It's still too early to be that worried.

Uh, no? Xbox Live hasn't been down at all. I'm on it right now.

Not a very good drive. Lite-On has always been unreliable, at least for me on my PC builds.

What? XB1 runs just like the 360 and Ps3 do now. If anyone would be locked out of playing a game that all you have to do is pop the disc in and go, I would be real impressed.

Why? Because he chose to separate the $500 into something smaller like $30 or $20 a month? Doing it like that you never even realize you're missing money.

Damn hipster electricians!

I work at a Best Buy and the number of people I've talked to about it are pretty high. Hardly anyone seems to know that this is the case now.

"Is that what your boss told you? For shilling customers? Because that's the oldest con in the book.

I work in retail so I'll give you some advice. Impartial consumers don't really care about performance or price. They are interested in features. Most people can't actually afford either consoles anyway, so they will pay with credit or not at all. This eliminates the price barrier. At this point, only techies and the

Your comment doesn't really convey that. It screams PS fanboy. You really need to choose your words more carefully.


y u so mad bro

I love my ATH-M50's. Seriously, Audio Technica is an underrated brand.

Guess you haven't been watching any recent competitive DOTA 2 play. Like the International for instance, where one of the most picked carries was Alchemist, a Str hero. You should also see a 6 slotted Doom(Str as well). Scary shit right there.

Not sure about NBA2K14, but Forza 5 was confirmed to run at 1080p 60fps when it was announced.

Oh boy, the Sony Fanboys are ganging up on you it seems. I guess they didn't get the memo that having an opinion that differs from your own is OK.

Thanks for the advice! I'd rather not replace this CPU just yet.

Your assumption is correct. I may go to 4GHz then. Would be a nice bump from the stock 3.4GHz.