Sgt. Scoots

No excuse for leaving. just use this extension (for Chrome, Firefox forthcoming):

You can always make anew one.

Toppling Goliath's Fire, Skulls, & Money IPA was really good. Also, had an O'so Brewing Abre Qui Donne (Golden ale aged on peaches and french oak) which was stellar.

Who's gonna try and stick around thread
Please check in here if you plan on staying on as part of the Community.

In terms of conversations, there is an extension to fix that:

a Firefox version of the extension is forthcoming.

I tried out the extension on a few Kinja sites and it works pretty well. It's no Disqus (I can't believe I just typed out those words, in that order) but I'm gonna give it a shot here at the AVC. You people are just too much fun to not chat with anymore. Hopefully I'll see some familiar faces in Reasonable

I think the show is going to throw us for a loop and Hot Pie ends up sitting on the iron throne. He immediately will melt it down and bake a new throne with a flaky golden crust.

Well, la-di-da… Mr. Fancy Pants over here.

Yes. I'm named after my father, who was named after my grandfather, who was named after a pope who lived a millenium ago. I feel so regal being a III.

Try and make the TMBG performance. It's free with your GenCon badge. They are awesome live.

Darkest Dungeon is really difficult in the later stages. Does anyone have any advice for a struggler? I think I should have prioritized locking in positive quirks earlier, but I'm not sure. Also I assume boosting my camping skills is probably more important than I realized.

Hit the back button in your browser then. Much easier than posting a crappy comment.

Going to pick up a sixer of Short's Psychedelic Cat Grass IPA, after work. Bottled Yesterday, delivered over the majority of their distribution footprint (MI, WI,PA,IL,OH) today. Pretty impressive feat. Can't believe my store is getting it in super-rural WI.

I bought Darkest Dungeon over the weekend, for my PS4. It is so h*ckin' difficult. Even on the easy mode the later dungeons are just brutal. Great game though. I was playing it late one night over the weekend and Mrs. Scoots fell asleep on the couch. She then started repeating everything the narrator said in her

Plus Choking Victim, who were the best. At least we got one album out of them. Leftover Crack? Sorry, just not as good.

Awesome. I saw them so many times at the Concert Cafe. So many great shows at that place during the 90's.

Yeah! Recess Records! they are still putting out some pretty great free comps. I Pee in Pools is awesome. I still love FYP.

Those Misfits of Ska records were great. I still listen to Slapstick, JAA, One Eye Open, and Johhny Socko, When the mood strikes. I too, am not ashamed. Liberation Records was great, too. So much time spent driving around with my friends listening to this stuff in my high school days.