Sgt. Scoots

That video anthology is great. I'm gonna watch it when I get home tonight.

Ahhh… Final Fantasy Tactics. There hasn't been a better game made for any system since. Why can't I just have a true sequel? It's been 20 years!

Awesome, thanks. That's how I cut it too. Used to prep tons of it (for beer steamed mussels w/ roasted red peppers), way back in my cooking for a living days. I wasn't sure if you were using the just the bulb, stalks, or fronds for the dish. Now I'm hungry for mussels.

Oh, so just like creamed spinach then. How did you prep the fennel, cut-wise?

A chicken Mornay-type casserole with onion/broccoli/squash (from the garden).

Creamed Fennel sounds delicious. Gonna have to try it. What was your method?

Great Lakes puns will gitchi(-gami) upvotes from me, any day of the week.

Pineapple, jalapeno, & bacon at our house. It's the holy trinity of sweet, spicy, & salty.

Bleu cheese or GTFO!

Chili Lime is super good, too!

They were totally doing it wrong then. Ketchup is definitely the inferior pasty condiment, in this case.

Fudge is really only a thing around the Straits and the Mackinac Bridge/Island. In the U.P. fudge shops are few and far between. In the Keweenaw the roads are actually paved with Thimbleberry Jam, from the Monks at the Monastery in Eagle River.

Can't believe they didn't go with my Yooper Pasty flavor. Rutabaga, pie crust, and ground beef on a potato chip? It's perfect! Dip them in gravy for a true taste of Da U.P., eh!

Have you checked out Clues? It's one of Alden Penner's (of The Unicorns) projects. They released one self-titled LP in 2009. I am thoroughly amazed by how great it is.

Yes. More Stars, please.

Still waiting on a reunion from The Unicorns, though…

I brought a single can of Short's Melt My Brain home from my trip back to MI a few weeks ago. I wish I would have brought 100 of them back. It's a golden Ale brewed with Juniper berries and Lime and Tonic Water. Best lawnmower beer ever.

Boris the Sprinkler. No idea how many times, though.

Virtual Boy Classic.

Something, something, Rusty and Skids.