Sgt. Scoots

Bought a skateboard, at age 38, to get back in shape. Hopefully I won't kill myself, as it has been 15 years since I skated regularly. Visiting reddit's r/oldskaters inspired me. (Totally gonna be the creepy old guy at the skatepark (Just kidding. I've never even seen anyone use it in the last 3 years.). Wish me luck!

Apricot is amazing!

Happy Birthday to you as well!

We have the same birthday! I'll be turning 38 though. Happy Birthday!

I bought myself a brand new skateboard for my 38th birthday. It shows up today. Really excited for the process of putting it together and trying it out. I haven't skated in a good 15+ years, but I live 3 blocks from a skatepark that nobody uses, so why not. If I'm not here next week, it's because I fell down and died.

Finished my last couple cans of Old Nation's M-43 IPA. Hoping to find some more when I return home, to the U.P. for, the 4th of July holiday.

Congrats! I turn 38 myself on Sunday.

Nor at Electriclarryland.

I'm really excited for South Park: Fractured but Whole. The Stick of Truth was great, but the sequel should be even better as they are changing the battle mechanics to a more strategy game based system, a la Final Final Fantasy Tactics. Which is my all-time favorite game. I know… I'm prepared to be let down by the

Awesome, I live in in Spooner. More often than not, I head down to Louie's for some sort of grillin' meat on the weekend, being that it is only a 20 minute drive from my front door. I love Duluth.I'm headed up there this weekend actually, to hit up Home Depot for our upcoming bathroom renovation. Looking forward to

Weisswurst is tasty, but I've been hooked on applewurst lately.

My northwest part of the state doesn't have a great track record for voting sane people in either. I mean Duffy still has a job.

Oh yeah?… Well, your god-awful Hotdish is reason enough to stay out of Minnesota, so there. Ok. It's not. I love your state.
(Source: WI Resident by circumstance, Yooper by birth)

If your hometown is anywhere between the Twin Cities and Duluth, Tell me that you shop at Louie's Finer Meats in Cumberland, WI. If you don't, you really should. That place is the best.


Took a really awesome 2 day LIDAR GIS (LIght Detection And Ranging) course at UW-Madison this week. It was really interesting, informative, and will help immensely on a few current work projects. I was worried that the course would be over my head, but it ended up being taught really well and I'm no longer intimidated

Did the Experimental IPA taste like onions? I'm pretty sure "Experimental Hop Variety" is secret brewer's code for leftover onions.

You’re a crook Captain Hook. Judge, won’t you throw the book at the pirate!

You have a beautiful voice.

Yeah, my employer is awesome. Total freedom to work on my own schedule.As long as I do my job well and in a timely fashion, I have a lot of freedom with my schedule.