Sgt. Scoots

I don't know it. Could you sing it for me?

I get 3 weeks of vacation a year, but usually don't take any of it during summer. During the summer months, I get long weekends for Memorial day, 4th of July, & Labor Day. I got 3 days off for a funeral a few weeks back, but that doesn't count. I'm not really a "vacationer" anyway. With any time off I go back to my

The occasional long weekend, for summer holidays, I guess. but I have to cram a lot of work in while the weather is nice. Generally, my vacation gets used in late fall/winter.

Ha ha… summer vacation… good one.

I will. I plan on a day trip up to MQT while I'm visiting home (Esky) for the 4th. I lived just down the block (next to Vango's) from Blackrocks when they first opened, while attending NMU. Looking forward to visiting again, it's been a few years

Something, something Ah'm nigh invulnerable when Ah'm blastin'.

Summit makes a really nice hefe, but I think it is only available in their variety pack this year.

That's how I did it, too. I just threw the rest of my pack in the trash and said "I quit." That was 5+ years ago.

If anyone is is interested in world history, board games, and has someone else to waste a few hours with, I recommend Twilight Struggle. Takes place from the end of WWII on and plays a little like a card game and a little like Risk. Really good for rainy weekends, but it is only a 2-player game. Fun and educational!

Did you go with the new AMD processor series or Intel? I'm debating which way to go with my next build.

I pretty much skipped over the settlement buillding portion of the game. I just beefed up Sanctuary Hills and used it as my home base, throughout the game. Then just ran supply lines when I needed things elsewhere. (ie. Far Harbor).

You should go back and play New Vegas when you are done with Fallout 4, if you haven't done so already. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles of the latest iteration, but story-wise it was really good.

Finished Fallout 4's Far Harbor expansion. Just started Nuka-World last night.

New Craft bar opened in Stone Lake, WI. Tried some new things. Surly Unbridled (Brett IPA) on tap and it was great. Just hoppy enough, with a boatload of barnyard funk. Also, had an Angry Minnow Saison Olivia. It was good too. Very lemony with a saltine/biscuit finish.

BOOO-YAH!!!!! Keep it up.

I watched Logan over the weekend. I liked it.

I love Sienkienwicz's artwork (but hate spelling his name), but that was a great joke. Have an upvote.

This story arc was a good 6+ years before the Liefeld pouch-pocalypse began. Bill S.'s artwork, in New Mutants, was some of the best marvel ever produced. Please check it out, if you are unfamiliar.

The still exist in the wilds of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, as well.

Yard work and beer. I plan on doing lots of both. My beer cellar is getting out of hand so it is time to drink it down. Hopefully the weather cooperates