Sgt. Scoots

Garlic poached in olive oil, until it is super soft and tastes really sweet, smeared on some nice crusty bread.

I tried Birch syrup for the first time last weekend. It was really good. sweet like Maple, but with a tinge of acidity too.

Those Fry Guys haunt my nightmares. I think its the soul-less, confused eyes.

Good point.

Beer! Grilled Meats!

Mine isn't as sturdy as I'd like it to be. Also, I think one leg is shorter than the other two.

I cooked breakfast at a hotel for my first couple of semesters in college. I had the opportunity to eat bacon for breakfast everyday, do I did. The lbs. piled on pretty fast that year.

Low Winter Sun. It was Horror-ible. That counts right?

I've only been here for 4 years, but seeing that our Gov. survived 2 recalls, I don't have too much faith in the WI voting public. Not gonna count my eggs until they have actually hatched.

Parents, niece, & nephew coming to visit this weekend! Really looking forward to it. Also, it is Mrs. Scoot's birthday on Monday, so we are going to throw her a little party while everyone is here.

Great advice!

This story might read like The Onion, but it is real. This guy is a U.S. Senator… A U.S. SENATOR!

Bubba Ho-Tep and it is not even close. And this is coming from someone who has seen the Evil Dead/Army of.. trio dozens of times.

His girl likes to…
party all the time

Good news… The Dane Cook thing is arriving in September. Feel free to throw up again now.


We too had to skip our anniversary (7th) this year. Mrs. Scoots had to stay with Grandma Mrs. while Grandpa Mrs. was in the hospital. So I feel for you.

For Mrs. Scoots and I, the go to pizza is bacon, Jalapeno, & pineapple. The combo of smokey, spicy, & sweet cannot be beat. Sorry for rhyming.

It was really easy. It was my first one too. I cooked in a stainless pan (didn't want to put non-stick under the broiler.). I thought it was going to be ruined, because the eggs/cream were sticking to the pan on the stove, but everything fixed itself while in the oven and the slices slid out of pan with zero effort.