Sgt. Scoots

Upvoted for Giraffes? Giraffes!.

Our musical tastes in this shuffle are aligned perfectly.

Fun Fact: Joe Buck and Roger from American Dad look identical to me.

Thin Crust, hands down. If you are ever craving such a thing when in Escanaba, MI, do yourself a favor and get some Mueller's Pizza Place. They also get bonus points for staying over after bar close. 3am Mueller's is the best kind.

Tomatoes are going absolutely crazy in the garden. Caprese salad w/ Purple Cherokees multiple times a week and I'm not complaining at all. Best hot weather dish ever. Also Serious Eats Corn, Bacon, & Jalapeno Frittata turned out great, as well.

I watched the underwater episode last night and it was truly bizarre.

Don't forget Choplifter. There was always a Choplifter. At least at my Shakey's Pizza there was.

I like the cut of your jib, internet commenter.

It's good. You should watch it.

Ummm….. We're gonna have a t-shirt party tonight!

I went and saw Battles last fall, watching Stanier punish his kit absolutely destroyed.Just amazing. That guy plays the drums harder than anyone else on the planet.

it's the Judgement Night soundtrack or GTFO, as far as I'm concerned.

You didn't miss much. I absolutely loved the comic, but the show was god awful.

Don't stop. If talking about it here helps you, even a little bit, keep it up.

Home. Run by Benny The Jet Rodriguez. So good.

The Simpsons Arcade Game, Any Samurai Showdown (The 3D-ish one, Samurai Spirits I think, was awesome), Ivan Stewart's Off-Road, & Gauntlet.

Stranger Things. I want to finish it, but I don't want it to end. So conflicted!

Found me a sixer of Short's Strawbery Short's Cake at my local bottle shop over the weekend. Tasted delicious after mowing the lawn in the heat and humidity in these parts.So glad they are distributing to Wisconsin now!

I wish they would hurry up and release X-Com for the PS4. I really can't wait to play it and my ancient laptop doesn't have the cajones to run it.