Sgt. Scoots

Finished up all of Gravity Falls, in the last week or so. Great show.

How can you fast forward through those beautiful synths? That opening credits theme is so great.

I'm a big fan of the peanut butter & pickle sandwich. Mrs. Scoots always asks if I'm pregnant when I eat them, but they are actually super-delicious.

Started Gravity Falls over the weekend. Caught up on Rick & Morty & Adventure Time.

Drank a ton of Upper Hand (Bell's Upper Peninsula brand) Double Ringer, while I was back in MI. It is a 10% Imperial IPA Single-hopped w/ Equinox. I've had very few 10% IPA's that were as smooth and drinkable as that one. Easily my favorite beer of the summer so far. Also had a sixer of Short's Hopstache while I was

I'm going to see him perform some stand-up in Duluth, MN, on Friday. I'll let you know.

Yeah, you know me!

The Drew Peterson: Untouchable Lifetime Original w/ Rob Lowe was great.

That is a great song.

I've really grown to enjoy the The Faint's last two albums very much. They just keep getting a little more weird every time.


Camper Van Beethoven

I grabbed my old longboard from my parents house while I was home visiting a few weeks back. I haven't cruised around on it in a good 12 or so years. looking forward to pushing around the neighborhood on it, if it ever stops raining here. We'll see if my rapidly approaching 40 old man bones can take it.

I watched all of the first season of Mr. Robot in 2 evenings. Needless to say I really like it. Also looking forward to starting season 3 of The Americans, but I have to wait until Mrs. Scoots gets back from out of town. She'll murder me if I start without her.

Bro-in-law is over halfway done with chemo and still kicking ass! Can't wait for the big party at the end of the summer when he is all done.

Johnny Socko's Full Trucker Effect needs to be in that list.

I have never seen that UCB sketch. Thanks for sharing.

Better get off of the Internet, then. This place is full of Star War.

How about an Advance Wars sequel already? We've had what 2, or 3, Fire Emblem games since the last one came out?