Sgt. Scoots

Was back in the U.P. of MI over the weekend and drank a ton of Upper Hand (Bell's new brand, based out of Escanaba, MI). Got to try Double Ringer (DIPA, Single Hopped w/ Equinox), Old Fighter (American Barleywine) and UPA (Pale Ale, on tap all night at a wedding reception I attended). That little brewery is knocking

I'm just the opposite. From the U.P., but live in WI now. I prefer Michigan due to this State's pending return to the Stone Age due to backwards governance. But, I am happy that I can get Short's here now. Blackrocks (Marquette, MI) is also starting to distribute in WI, which has me even more excited. Love me some

We are halfway through the second season of The Americans. I really like it.

Never heard of either of those bands. I love me some Milemarker though. Anasthetic is easily in my top 10 albums of all time.

Can't wait until someone wants to make a doc about my mad Tapper skillz.

Watch out for the radioactive fog, if you travel to Maine. You might want to bring some leaded Power Armor, just in case.


From Escanaba originally, that's where we'll be staying. The wedding is at a farm in Cooks and the reception is in Gladstone, right on Lake Michigan.

I just love seeing her portrayal of someone dealing with Bipolar 2 on television. Hits very close to home for me. The scenes in Duluth are my absolute favorite.

The food is going to be amazing. Have a great trip!

Good Eats
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Lady Dynamite (Sorry you don't like it, but it is great.)

Upcoming Summer Travel Plans Thread
I'm heading back to the home U.P. for a wedding this weekend. Looking forward to many MI beers and attending a neat classic car parade with my niece and nephews.

How Bazaar?

I am a huge Angie Tribeca fan as well. It's nothing but really easy jokes, yet hilarious at the same time.

Still wandering around Boston in Fallout 4. Currently at level 56. Pretty sure I am going to have all of the perks, by the time I get to Far Harbor.

I'm a III, too. Holidays were fun.

Do some Dark Sun! Do some Dark Sun!

Wolf Parade are also the musical act on Colbert tonight. I'm excited to see them perform together again.


That sort of recent Operators EP was really great.