Sgt. Scoots

Couldn't have said it better myself. Sitting at my desk right now listening to Sparta. Porcelain & Wiretap Scars both absolutely destroy the giant mess of ego that was The Mars Volta.

And 'Picket Fence Cartel'.

I would have gone for Marr-Marr Binks. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

That joke isn't funny anymore.

I got shut out on Conchords tickets for the Minneapolis show. I'm very jealous. Have a great time for me.

I would give that award to Broken Star by The Broadways. That album is just as good now as it was when I first listened to it (mostly due to the greatness of Dan Hanaway, though), almost 20 years ago. Man, that sentence makes me feel old.

Wild rice soup after work today. Got all of the Mirepoix & prep done last night and it is all going in the slow cooker tonight after work. I also bought a huge package of chicken wings the other night, so I plan on breaking them down into flats and drumettes (saving the tips for stock) and freezing 2/3 of them. Oven

Went to a wedding, back in my hometown over a long (4 days!) weekend. Was able to spend some quality time with really good friends, whom I hadn't seen in a long time. Even got to hang out with one of said friend couple's brand new baby boy. Well worth the 12 hours I spent in a car, driving to and from said hometown.

I'm lost. Start over, at the beginning.

Slapstick was great.

I really liked the Expansive Heart EP by Big Rig. The Communique stuff released on Lookout was great too.I Love all the synthesizer.

Upvoted for Duluthian.

Bought a new steel wok over the weekend and finally got around to getting some seasoning on it the other night. Made a pork stir-fry last night. It was a little sticky, but I think I've got some decent polymerization down to start. looking forward to using it more when it is warm enough to open the windows in the

Came here looking for Choo-Choo The Herky Jerky Dancer… left disappointed.

I was disappointed that there was no love for T-dawg in the name-dropping though. Figures.

Talking Halting and Catching Firing?

I hope they have an entire wing dedicated to Dee Dee King's Standing In The Spotlight.

Hold on. Saving throw vs. captive bolt pistol? Hmmm… you need to roll an 18 or higher.

That's just a hop, skip, and a jump up the highway from my father-in-law's camp, in La Branche. I miss the U.P.

I can't wait for the new X-com game. just a little scared of how it will run on my 6 year old laptop. My processor and gfx card just barely eek by the minimum requirements.