Sgt. Scoots

My grocery store just got in 4 packs of Summit Brewing's Old Blaggard Barleywine. A wonderful English-style barleywine that is a nice break from the heavily hopped american style I'm usually drinking this time of year.

I made a slow cooker full of pulled pork chili on Sunday. Jalapeno cornbread on the side. I've had it for dinner three days now and I'm still not sick of it.

They found some cancer in my brother-in-law's colon last week. Surgery removed a big hunk of dead colon. Now he's just waiting for pathology to come back to stage it, although it looks like there will be some chemo in the near future. Cancer can suck it.

I was able to score tickets for the At The Drive-In show at the Riv, in Chicago. Hurry up and get here Spring!

Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake.

Keeping my finger crossed for At The Drive-In tickets when they go on sale Friday, for the Chicago show.

It's gotta be invisible chafing, right?


Buy a huge tract of land and open an enourmous dog rescue. I want all of the doggies!

NHL Thread
How is your favorite Swedish basketball team doing? My Red Wings are very up and down this year.

Slide, slide, slippity slide.

At the Drive-In, "Initiation"

(906) Represent!

I was born a Yooper and you hit the nail on the head.


but if you are going to include those two locales, you also have to include Superior, WI. That brings the average way down. I'll take Marquette and the Copper Country over the West End/ North Shore any day.

As a Yooper, I thoroughly approve of this almost-war. I may live as a Wisconsinite now, but at least I wasn't born one.

Devo's Too Much Paranoias in episode 4. That song was meant for this show, or vice versa. Either way, they fit together perfectly. Yama Yama was the highlight of the season, for me. That song is wonderful.

I love me some Arcarsenal.

Self-Friend did not like The Americans? Self liked it.