
No it means that both Jones and CNN present opinions as facts and get everything wrong most of the time. No intelligrnt person believes

The same truth I get from CNN. Pretty much none. That’s the whole point. Both are organizations that present opinions as facts and they screw their opinions to target their audience. Both are 99% bullshit the difference is that CNN looks more professional and idiots tend to believe them more and take than as fact,

You can’t be an intelligent person and believe in CNN just like you can’t believe in infowars. Both are fake as can be and very occasionally does either get anything right.

Both have zero credibility. Both are deviding the country with a false negative simply for the ratings.

Absolutely not. Both have zero credibility. Both are deviding the country with a false negative simply for the ratings.

I don’t believe that at all. CNN bends any way that is popular and gets ratings. Right now the anti trump movement is popular so they find anything they can use and they twist that to be anti trump. Then they present opinions, which are so far stretched it’s funny, as actual news and if their ratings for that are good

But they still employ Don Lemon.

I’ve been saying this for years. Alex Jones is just like CNN. Both talk a lot about what is mostly bullshit and once in a while hit on some actual facts.

Uhh he denounced the violence and the fucking nazis. Jesus you liberals are just asinine.

This will probably get ignored and not read but I’ll give it a shot... I’m not sure I took the article the same way as you. In the article the author is saying that economics are the driving reason or force for the persisting racial wealth gap. If you are a poor white person and thinks that Trumps policies etc will

Huh, so investigating if allowing people into college based on the color of their skin (that actively harms other brown people the most) is the best policy is racist? Weird shit.

None of those men are racist. Sessions marched across the Bridge in Selma holding fucking hands with John Lewis. Attacks on Trump’s base are the height of fucking stupidity.

1. That list is preposterously dumb.

I know you think Trump is a “racist”, but can you actually explain why?

The communities that call for their deaths. Wonder why they don’t reach out...

That explains some of it, thanks!

If the flat earthers have taught me anything is that the distance in miles is squared. So 32" of drop. Add in that winds can change left to right several times within two miles. Factor in localized heat zones create rising air.

And doesn’t the speed of a normal 50 bmg bullet drop below sound barrier at around 2600 yards? How do you shoot accurately further than that? Some insanely hot round?

Its because you, with extreme bias, go into the video wanting to view the officer as a monster as opposed to having no expectations for what is about to happen. You see what you want to see.

I know, it’s crazy right. Just like OJ being found not guilty.