
And if those two people had believed the officer guilty, he wouldn’t have been acquitted and the trial would end in deadlock.

If you support sharia law, I don’t give a fuck whether you’re a terrorist or not. You still need to get the fuck out of civilized society. Fuck you.

Why did you dismiss the first time, Kirsten? I was agreeing with you.

It doesn’t matter if the attacks never stop, because London will never surrender. And that’s a promise.

It’s an epidemic and nobody dares to address the elephant in the room.

were you expecting the last terrorist attack of all-time to be a fucking Ariana Grande concert?

“...part of an attempt to sway the election...”

“Not again”

Actually that was the USA train during the past 8 years. Get it right please....

I bet every single person in this thread has knowingly spent time or money on a likely lost cause before. It’s what we all do. You know the overhwelming likelihood of something working is small, but if it’s important to you, you give it a shot.

Ironically, it’s very similar to the strategy that Obama used with Iran.

So....let me get your logic right...veterans, current military, police, etc...people who have been in real life firefights are cowards?

i might actually be growing some tomato plants on my patio. i threw some old tomatos on a dirt area, covered with a bag of manure, now it looks like somethings sprouting.

re: “loose confederations of dangerous people who believe their ideology should be protected at all cost—even through violence”

Wasn’t this Jeremy Christian guy a Bernie supporter who wanted to kill both Clinton and Trump?

Death by slow torture would still be too lenient a punishment for these steaming piles of dog shit!

Jesus, man. Do you really need to make a comment on a story about a child being senselessly and brutally murdered about politics? What the fuck is wrong with you?

My dad worked as a cop. Nobody in prison likes child killers. Those 3 teens will be lucky if they get solitary for the rest of their short lives.