

Dolphins love rape.

Fact of the matter is, the only persona still alive that knows, is the officers involved. Once we know if they were actually shot at, then we will know the whole story.

welcome to the root. Sensationalist media at its best.

How about you take of yours and take a look at this.... There is a problem in this country, but its not race related... its asshole cops, and asshole people...

There is no one in this world who wakes up thinking (minus like a couple actual psychopaths)

Read the statement “officers heard gunshots” when you hear gunshots, there is a pretty damn good chance youre getting shot at. im NOT saying they were, i sm saying we need to wait for the full story

First things first. that picture is NOT a 15 year old... maybe when he was 10.

Huh? Afghanistan doesn’t have oil.

Thank you...and obligatory:

Islam is a political ideology. It is idiotic and extremely anti-liberal to say that critics of a political ideology have a phobia. What next, Naziphobia? People exploring why the USSR failed have Communistphobia?

The direct analog of this is a private group like the YMCA having a whites only pool (a “safe space” for whites, and we know progressives love “safe spaces”, without blacks staring them down). Just when you think society has moved past a stupid idea it comes back. This time in the form of faux progressivism by naive

Like Ben Carson, Jared Kushner, Linda McMahon,

People like you need to come to Mumbai, India. We have had muslims living alongside others for centuries. Even after all this time, they live in their own neighborhoods (which are gross AF), believe only they are right, refuse to follow social norms. To the point that the police is scared to go to those neighborhoods.

Islamophobia isn’t even a thing... It’s not in any of the DSM Manuals. It’s simply a made up word to attempt to shut down debate. If you think female genital mutilation is cool, if you think tossing gays off of buildings is all good, then hey...lets’ get some more moslems here. Only one culture is going to survive.

This clothing line is funded by Steven Eckhaus - attorney to all the top Wall Street executives. He is the reason they receive such outrageous salaries and bonuses, and he profits accordingly.