
Could have called them an “uncircumcised philistine” believe that was the original expression

Wish there were more people like this fine young man.

2/3 of all Europeans coming to America came as indentured servants. Usually self sold into a 7 year contract or penance for a crime. Only 1/2 lived to their 7 year mark.

Maybe an equal rights activist? Had this happen to me when I was young and awkward.

My ancestors were Jewish. I do not need a simulated death camp to let me know how bad it was. History books, pictures, stories give me a better picture then I want.

The stupidity of smart people is amazing.

It amazes me how many slaves died in their way to the slave markets in Africa, 10million.

Sometimes the legal system is such B.S. Evidence is evidence period...

Blinkers will last forever!! Just replenish the blinker fluid from time to time!!! Haha

After exhibiting behavior like that, i.e. Ramming police cars shows a complete lack of regard for anyone else.

Only thing she regrets is getting caught.

Ignore the static keep on building great things!!

This unfortunately has happened to people of all races and sexes.

Never ever, fire a warning shot. Many stories of such people being prosecuted and even a few who got murder charge because warning shot killed someone they didn’t mean to.

As a general rule. Military will charge you for TA-50(basic issue equipment) if it is missing when you outprocess. Flights out of and into country are free to the soldier as is R&R leave.

I’ve played through 4-5 times now and I still love it. An excellent game and I am looking forward to any title from these guys in the future.

Man, I followed the link and before I knew what was happening I had donated $ to the nude cosplay girl.....and yet I strangely don’t feel all dirty about it cause it’s art!

To a sexual nothing. I too am horribly short and ugly, like a hang a sausage from my neck so the dog will play with me ugly. I’m only 5'6" and I have a wife way out of my league.

The more I hear this theory the more it makes sense in a paranoid conspiracy way...Trump has been a left leaning dem for most of his life. Meh, it’s just weird if you look into his views and opinions from his past to hear him saying what he is saying now.

Ever have a really badly infected cut. Where the gauze sticks to it really bad?