Sgt Crushem

Sorry, better late then never. The game is very much a social game. If you are in the game with 3 other people all using mics friends or randoms. It presents very unique experiences you have never had in a video game before. If you are in it just to grind to max level you will get burnt out, if you are in to have

I only clicked for that cover shot.

Run into people all the time every night. Have even sunk multiple Pirate legends.

Sale ended and they jumped back to $40 as soon as I added to cart and went to checkout. Sad day

Sale ended and they jumped back to $40 as soon as I added to cart and went to checkout. Sad day

150+ hours in the Alpha and beta says you’re wrong. It is however a boring game to watch

I instruct snowboarding in the winter and 100% agree. Only 18% of people that try snowboarding actually try again and that’s a fact. Had I taught you there wouldn’t have been a twisted knee.

I am from Vermont and I can confirm this. We get ours from the farm up the road and it’s perfection

And people said the new Berserk animation looked weird...

This would be incredible!

No, Empire was my fav. because the Bad guys seemingly won at the end. It was my fav. the first time I saw it. Then I saw clerks when it came out and I was like Holy shit other people think the same.

Nah, a bunch of whiny self entitled turds with no back bone.

Why is this generation a bunch of whiny little turds? Everything has to be politically correct and god forbid something offends someone. Stoked to see they’re keeping this game alive and not changing Vincent as a character. Rin look awesome

I’m mad

I have prime, I did notice a 3rd party seller on bottom right that has it out of stock for $12.99 however

I have prime, I did notice a 3rd party seller on bottom right that has it out of stock for $12.99 however

I Don’t see this one for $13, only the smallest normal size mat for $13.99

I Don’t see this one for $13, only the smallest normal size mat for $13.99

Honestly I have no idea why I wrote BJ

This makes me want to pirate it considering the CPU I have

In the new Doom you find BJ dead so we know he has fought demons at least once.


It’s not the Hanzo problem anymore!