So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!
So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!
I think this is a solid argument. I too would argue that the death penalty may be more humane in such a case.
I can see where you’re coming from there. I do sometimes believe that death is a justifiable consequence for death, and that there are people who, due to the nature of their crimes, cannot be rehabilitated into society. My problem is that I do not trust our state, or indeed any state, to get that balance right. That’s…
Ditto, good conversation.
While I disagree with you, I do respect your opinion and appreciate the civil conversation.
I’m an atheist as well, and I think I’ve answered your question—from my perspective—clearly throughout my posts here. I jsut don’t believe in such absolutes. I’m generally of the belief that the death penalty is wrong, but in some cases I thinh it’s warranted. I’m generally anti-war, but in some circumstances I think…
I do understand this view point, I do. And it’s consistent and makes absolute sense.
I can't remember where I read this (might have been here on Jezebel) but someone made a very brilliant and insightful comment about how women have pasts, men have potential. A woman's rape is just desserts for her slutty and ill-decided past, a rape conviction can compromise a poor little rapist's bright and shining…
i’m really tired of hearing abusers who are veterans blame their violent behavior on PTSD. i have PTSD and as much as it haunts me i’ve always controlled myself and never get violent in situations because, you know, violence against women/anyone else isn’t going to solve my problems????? same thing goes for…
If it happens in the next 4-8 years, definitely Hillary’s.
Who received more criticism: Track Palin for domestic violence or Malia Obama for getting into Harvard. Oh, and not looking like a harlot (with her sister) during a turkey pardoning. Also, yes I know this is one of those logical fallacies, but in this case I couldn’t help myself.
He was only threatening his girlfriend (and himself) though. So no one cares. Domestic violence and suicidal behaviour aren’t considered good enough reasons to take someone’s guns away. Because, hey, what’s the worst that could happen?
I have friends that live in Wasilla so I get a lot of the T. This is not the first time he’s gotten into trouble with domestic violence and drinking, but it’s one of the first times he’s actually had to stand up in court to face the consequences. And while his plea bargain shows that his mother still has some power in…
They’re also expunging the weapons charge if he sticks to the terms. I’m pretty supportive of veteran’s courts, but this is a little ridiculous. And his mother doesn't know it, but her comments didn't vindicate her son and blame Obama. She said that Track doesn't feel like the world respects him, so he went home and…
I’m guessing that was the point of the plea agreement. It sounds like they dismissed the only charges that would have kept him from owning weapons. Courts: Not so interested in protecting women.
Yup. Because this bullshit thought process is based on the idea that men are animals just below the surface, and that they lack any and all self control when it comes to their sexual desires. This is also insulting, because it insinuates that women are far less sexual than men are (which is an antiquated myth that has…
As someone (female) who used to binge drink on a regular basis I’ve always noticed that no matter how incoherent I was I’ve never done anything outside of my moral character. I used to wonder if maybe that was just me (I don’t really lose control no matter how wasted), but it sounds like that’s most people. Dudes who…
The UCSB massacre was so succinctly summed up in a Twitter post that I read somewhere (can't find the source, at work)