
TRump Sr's lawyer Jay S. was stumbling all over the place on NBC this morning as Savanah and Matt asked him simple questions.. he deflected every one and nattered on about every other point…
THOU DOEsT protest too much Sir…!

I have to go to bed, get up early for work.. but this is like a Russian spy novel, only it's reality TV, in real time, and i cant' put the book down.
Bon soir americanos…

Anyone seen Trump.. someone says he's been hiding in the loo for 2 days now.. only 1 or 2 tweets.. sooooo strange.
If i was Macron, I'd be rubbing some salt in the wound… after how Trump treated Macron before. VIVE LA FRANCE !!!!

Melania , we warned you long ago, get out while you could. . But you are hanging on to that prenup… for what? He's going to take you down with him.

How's that nothing burger tasting Donny?