
This is a neat article, but the pedant in me feels obliged to point out that Seattle is right near a literal freakin’ rainforest.

Joy-Con may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds

This all seems to center on whether a hard drive has been wiped or not. Now, I’m still about 6 months out from my degree in IT forensics, but evidence that a hard disk was wiped is pretty inarguable. If you don’t want technical details, feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph. There are three ways to wipe a disk,

I used magic workstation when I played a lot, but mostly cuz it meant I didn’t have to spend a ton of money on cards before I can be caught up in the meta.

I had this same opinion when hearthstone first came out, so I quit playing. Have they done anything to either slow the game down or increase card advantage for slower decks?

This reminds me an awful lot of the rise of Arcbound Ravager in MtG. Similar birth (designers underestimated synergy), similar playstyle (ludicrous speed aggro), similar effect on the meta (only this deck or decks designed just to beat this deck). Think you’ll see a similar response from blizzard as from WotC

Magic the Gathering has an official online version, as does Yu Gi Oh. Also, there are apps like Apprentice and Magic Workstation that are generic, and with different sets of cards can be used to play any TCG online.

>BTW “Dragon’s Dogman Online” needs to be corrected.

I’ll agree with you that it’s incorrect, but I think we should leave it.

Only asking because I don’t know anything about anything, but where on a cartridge-based system would you need a drive belt?

Nidoran nidoran nidoran nidoran nidoran

‘ comparing fruits and vegetables. Or fruits and fruits.’

You’re right, though. I’m an avid NMS fan (it’s just so fucking pretty, and I love that I’m just left to my own goals and device), but NMS is a chill resource-collecting sandbox that is going to go full-Minecraft if we ever get the base-building update.

This looks like the Freespace 2/FTL mashup I’ve been waiting my whole life for. Just as I had to install Linux on my desktops. Life is hard.

My knowledge of the Hindu religion is minimal, but if the issue is vegetarianism, how would an egg be offensive when it’s not being eaten and instead hatching normally? Are birds and reptiles inherently offensive to this culture? I’m genuinely asking...

There’s a “The Science of...” blog post about this series. That’s usually a pretty strong indicator that I should try an author. Would you recommend it?

Pop-in doesn’t bother me any, though I can see where it would take away the initial “wow” of finding a new environment. I’d say the gameplay is less fetchy than most MMOs, but it’s still “Go to The Place and get That Thing.” You just get to determine which particular That Thing you want, and that determines where you

When I was talking to my brother about this, I described it as Minecraft with a massive graphics overhaul and procedural critters. That’s how I’ve been playing it, and I love it that way.

I’ve noticed something with the mining beam cooldown. I’ve tested it on two separate beams, and it worked on both of them so far. If you push the beam so that the heat bar in the upper-right is full, then stop for a second, the beam seems to cool down instantly. This doesn’t seem to be a function of ambient

I’m only about 5 hours in, struggling to find fuel for the warp drive atm, but is anyone else finding variations on the theme of “ambulatory mushroom” to be on every damn planet they land on?

My god, how many years? How many virtual machines, how many torrents stalled at 99%? I would give a lot to be able to fire up Artie The Torch Jablonski one more time.

Also, RJ had one thing that RL lacks, and that’s combat. I miss it.

Then play standard. Or doubles. Or snow day. Or hoops. Or rocket labs.