So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?
So conservative stands for hateful bigots who want to bomb people?
Nazi bastards like Joshua Moon and his ilk can fuck right off into the nearest bottomless pit or black hole and remove themselves from the universe and existence forever.
What is I Was A Bit Tired This Morning And Mistakes Happen Because I’m Human And I Guess You Can Sigh Like That If You Want But Seriously There Was A More Polite Way To Do What You Just Did?
Looks like it’s at least partially because of this.
I haven’t seen a Christian be that racist since the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics.
I’m so excited are you excited I’ve never been so excited well okay there was that one time but who can top that?
Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.
Nintendo’s improved their image a lot lately, then they shut down popular fan projects like this... Is it because he had a Patreon and was “making money” off of the mod, if you could even call it that?
If the players lives are in danger it is best to leave without a quarrel.
Localhost is a disquieting adventure game where you interrogate some artificial intelligence, think about death and…
St. Louis police, on the other hand.......
Thanks so much for the kind words!
MK and NBA Jam were created at Midway just one after the other. Did you know about the ability to do a Fatality in an early version of NBA Jam: Tournament Edition?
Once upon a time there was going to be a Rayman game for the SNES. Series creator Michel Ancel was one of two people…
Lol no. It will probably just result in these fuckers carrying guns themselves. Now they will play baseball with a dam glock on their hip.
They’ll probably demand that Republican reps and senators be allowed open carry in all places.
Sadly, no. This will just result in people having even more reduced access to their representatives (good excuse for not having any town halls!).
HAHAHA nope. In the NYT coverage one of the players said something along the lines of how awful it was to get shot at when he didn’t have his gun with him. Nope, now we’ll see gun manufacturers making special sport editions or some other such nonsense.
Does this mean we finally get some more gun control, now? Boy, I hope so.
He probably just paints over it like Cesar Romero.