I mean, the can't just fly another ship over to it? I don't understand why they introduced the shuttle in the first place. It added nothing and just made the whole idea of the show nonsense
I mean, the can't just fly another ship over to it? I don't understand why they introduced the shuttle in the first place. It added nothing and just made the whole idea of the show nonsense
Boy oh boy did Survivor screw the pooch on this one. Kellee had been complaining about this guy since day 1. The fact that they’re not requiring the contestants to do post-show interviews (along with the fact that they’re pre-taping the reunion show for the first time in 39 seasons) shows how nervous they are about…
Mooney should be the head writer, and also the other writers. That’s all.
Can you do the recaps for SNL instead of this person? It’s nice to hear something objective.
I like Kristen Stewart’s vibe as a host. I think they got her better the last time around, but the last time around also had so much Trump material and the Sean Spicer material that I just can’t watch (then or now), so it’s a tradeoff. Kristen is very nervous and reserved but something about her energy fits SNL very…
I’m just here to tell Jim Spanfeller, Paul Maidment and the rest of the cowards to get fucked.
I’d dress up as a Kinja web ad.
It’s gotten bad over the last week or two.
Could you PLEASE stop auto-playing videos? PLEASE?!?!
A: neither
First can we talk about how brilliant of a name El Tráfico is for this rivalry?
That seemed so familiar........like......exactly the same.
I thought Snowpiercer and its source material, La Transperceneige, got the message across just fine in compact medium. Not sure it requires an indefinite TV show to make the same point, really.
Thanks for this article. I’m a pastor (of more of the brick and mortar type of congregation). I totally appreciate the challenges of always being “on” as a pastor, and trying to balance being just “me” or “pastor me.”
Whatever. Watching women’s national team competitions is far more interesting. Too many prima donnas and flopping in the men's version.
Twas a bad day to be orange.
I am in Stockholm, and there are fireworks going off around the city. The players were dancing through the stadium singing two hours after the game ended, and there is a big party planned for when they return Monday. For all the BS this WWC has endured, at least one feel good story.
This is awesome and a good push by Konami. Ive been on the fence about picking up a PES for years but am a slave to the Fifa licensing. Now I can see what the fuss is about and maybe give PES my buisness for 2020.
I made it a minute in and went nah I just can't. Some people are not cut out for narrating.