While we are led to believe that peace has once again descended upon the land of the Fast and Furious, it’s still…
While we are led to believe that peace has once again descended upon the land of the Fast and Furious, it’s still…
When’s Alex Jones going to be on one?
Yeah, I don’t give a fuck about the exercise in celebrity mutual masturbation that is “The Masked Singer” so I only clicked hoping to read that he’d been shot out of a cannon.
I keep trying to dismiss this show as harmful popular nonsense that just isn’t meant for me, but they just keep giving awful garbage people time in the spotlight. This and Dancing with the Stars seem to exist partly to promote/publicly rehabilitate scumbags and I can’t abide it.
Enterprise, country, or planet.
Glad to see Brendan Fraser is making a bit of a come-back.
Yeah, I just don’t get why the Monsterverse modelled itself on the dour and mostly annoying-to-watch DCEU instead of the lighter-hearted, more narratively coherent MCU (which still has plenty of dark moments!).
The sad thing is that Fraser almost died for real during the making of the Mummy. He was actually briefly pronounced legally dead after a mishap with the hanging scene. I’m glad he survived. The Mummy was a blast. The sequels can fuck off, but the first was fun and even if the special effects haven’t aged well, it…
Actually, I thought for one second that you were going to say George of the Jungle.
The first Mummy movie is so good, I wish there were more movies that blended action, humor, adventure, and a touch of horror like it did. If the Monsterverse had been all movies like that, it would have been very successful.
It wasn’t just a cop beaten to death by a flag...it was a Trump-supporting cop beaten to death by a flag from a mob of fellow Trump supporters because he was willing to do his job despite his political leanings.
His wife also said he was always peaceful. She may not be the trusted source that snopes thinks she is.
Note that Arnold is also relatively immune to criticism from the right-wing sewer dwellers. They can’t call him a cuck or a pussy (or at least don’t dare try do that to his face). They can’t call him a Hollywood liberal since he’s one of the most successful republican politicians of the last 40 years. They can call…
I regret to inform you (and that guy on Twitter) that Trump has a lot of fans in Australia, including several in the federal government. Also, I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that Australia has the largest number of Q idiots outside of the US (which sounds insane, given Australia only has about 25m people, but...).
The fact that Schwarzenegger is a world famous bodybuilder, actor and the former governor of California is relevant only in that his fame gives him a soap box big enough to get our attention.
There’s no way we’re coming back from this stronger until there’s a cure for mass delusion. His entire base doesn’t see a single thing wrong with what happened except for maybe the police officer’s death and property damage (the only two things they respect - state force and ownership). They are eating an entirely…
You can tell he’s speaking to the morons because he explicitly has to explain the sword thing is just a metaphor, not a guide to making swords.
“I’m not telling you all this because I want you to become an expert sword maker...”
After WWII there was also a thing called The Nuremberg Trials, where the guilty faced justice. Need some of that now.
“I have yet to figure out why Joss Whedon has become the center for everyone’s hatred.”