
Genuinely curious how this is gonna be Trumps fault in the end.

Look I hate trump as much as the next guy, but now isn’t the time to bring him up. You can proceed to bitch about his response to Florence after this disaster is over. 

I dislike Trump, but you are a special kind of scum of society. F*** you with your political attitude. Shove it up your ass.

Rednecks take care of themselves, one way or the other.

Oh fuck off.

1. This is not apples to apples. You can’t compare net-worth against income. Jeff Beezos does not have $163 Billion dollars of liquid assets. I don’t know the amount but what ever it is, I’m sure it pushes his donation percentage much higher than 1.2%.

2. Why don’t you actually put in some effort here and

Counterpoint, most $97,000 households don’t give $1,200 to charity each year.  It’s easy to cherry pick statistics, but less simple when people are trying to feed their family, pay their mortgage and save for college.  

If Bezos gives his money away, he’s going to want the charities who receive the money to do his bidding. Say, he wants every poor or sick kid who receives a Bezos dollar to write, “I love Jeff Bezos 100 times.” That wouldn’t help anyone.

How the fuck are you a “senior writer” and have spelling and grammatical errors in your story you dumb shit?!? What the fuck does Jeff Bezos owe anybody? Not a god damn thing. That’s what’s wrong with you little snowflake millennials raised by helicopter parents. You never had to work for shit, had everything handed

It’s his money to decide how to spend, not yours.

He’s so funny. This is a direct $2B donation to charity.

How much money did you donate of your salary last year Hamilton? If you did not contribute at least 2% of your salary/income to charity then you are greedier than Jeff Bezos.

Judging by HamNo’s attitude, he’s likely never donated to charity.

Not a lot of bright thinkers here I’m afraid. They all act like he takes his billions and shoves it under a mattress. As if that money isn’t allowing banks to give out more loans to small businesses and home owners. Hell, even if he DID tuck the money under his mattress, he’d be pulling all that money out of circulatio

Counterpoint: It’s TWO BILLION DOLLARS.

Dude decides to do donate 2 Billion (finally) and all anyone says is...not enough. Eh, I’m not jumping on that bandwagon. It could be more but it’s certainly a good start. All I know is my $1168 won’t build a school where $2 billion will build several. Similar percentages of worth, wholly different buying power. This

This. I know a nice middle class couple that won the lottery (57mil), they ended up moving out of our little town because they caught so much hate because they were “not donating enough”. Nothing they ever did was enough.  So much envy of wealthy people. 

With all due respect, the premise of this article is a crock of shit.

a bit jealous? He’s giving $2 Biillion!!!!!! That’s the problem with you liberals, nothing is ever enough. If he gave $100 BILLION you’d say he has 63 billion left, why didn’t he give more? Seriously, you can throw stones at someone from your glass house, but I highly doubt you’d give anything substantial of your net

What was the total of your charitable contributions total this year?

Guy gives away $2b and you manage to turn it into a bad thing. I pity you and the anger you must carry around.