
But why are these tennis players struggling so much? Cyclists are riding for much longer periods, and soccer/football players are playing at a higher intensity for 90 minutes with no breaks. 

The truth hurts, sorry

I’ll dip my dick into Sprite if it makes her happy.

She looks pretty hot so I’m ok with it. 

Nike is a business...they are testing the waters, if they see even a small blip they will forget Kaep in a heartbeat

She has views on other stuff! She recently received an Emmy nomination, for instance.

Lewinsky looks great.

You have to have your head up your ass not to know that ML doesn’t want to talk about Clinton in interviews.

Did you all miss the part where the demonized, vilified, practically exiled young woman turned out to be an intelligent commentator on the state of politics and feminism today? Or are you still buying the spin being fed to you by the folks currently pillaging Nancy Pelosi (and, until chickens colonize the moon,

Well, that certainly makes it okay for what purports to be a legit news organization to lie about why they brought her to the conference, sure.

How about you ask slick Willy that instead of badgering her?

For the love of God, don’t force this guy to hold his wife anymore.

It’s not a white supremacist website. It’s a website that some white supremacists use. 

unfortunately any site with more than 3 white people commenting ends up being a “white supremacist website”

And now the kid and all the rest of us will laugh our asses off as his taco ass gets sent to prison

Send this fucking Jose to jail for a long time..

Did the dumb shit spell “respect” correctly this time?

Are Mexicans allowed to say the N-word now?

Big tough guy!